I get attracted to almsot every girl I see

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by shroomslover, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. shroomslover

    shroomslover New Fapstronaut

    I get attracted to every girl I see. During work can't really focus, because I'm always trying to find any way to have sex. Feel like fapping helps a lot with it. I feel no need in woman in my life, unless it's the special woman, but overall my state is worse, then during some days of nofap. My streaks have never been longer than 7 days, maybe that's the reason. What do you guys think?
  2. 7 days, around this time your brain is fighting to get what it wants after you have no longer been doing things yourself. At this time you need your goal to stay strong and you need to use your plan. It will calm down once you can get through this time.
    shroomslover likes this.
  3. Time Learner

    Time Learner New Fapstronaut

    Its the dusk of my first day of nofap....
  4. SamFZ

    SamFZ Fapstronaut

    Weird, isn't it? You'd think that the more porn you use, and the more you fap, the higher your standards would get. But it seems to have the reverse effect, anything which looks even remotely like the female form sets you off! I think it's because of the more frequent association of women with sex. I expect it's a learned behaviour and the less you get off to images/videos of women, the less your brain will start equating them with sex.

    Reminds me of the beginning of the movie Kick-Ass. Have you ever seen that? In the beginning scenes, the hero talks about his hormones, how many tissues there are in the waste basket in his room, how he is attracted to his teacher and he says "it doesn't take much to set me off", accompanied by a scene where he sees the sagging breasts of a mature tribal woman and decides to jerk it again. :emoji_laughing:
  5. RKTT

    RKTT New Fapstronaut

    That's why reboot is so important.

    Today I finish my 90 days reboot. Let me tell you what is the most important change I notice during this 3 months: I stop viewing women as sex objects, and started to feel attracted to their personality.

    At first you feel like your testicles are going to exploded! Your body is used to masturbation, porn, and easy orgasm. The first month was the worst, urges were at the highest. Don't get me wrong, urges never really disappear. However, you get a lot better in control them. And now masturbation doesn't even cross my mind. Those days are behind me, let's keep that way!

    Even if a see a hot woman, I appreciate her looks, but don't go directed into to sex thoughts. And there were some women I met during this time, that I wouldn't find attractive a few weeks/months ago, but their personality, the way they talk and interect with me, the conversations, drive more to them.

    Try your best to reboot, soon you will start to feel more directed to human connection, than sex thoughts and fast/easy orgasms.

    Advices to last during the reboot:
    1. Use that energy! Go to the gym and workout insanely! Enjoy a sport, or martial art (I do kung fu).
    2. Take cold showers, they help a lot.
    3. Have a plan in case you star to thinking about PMO, or is about to masturbate. I recomend the following:
    * Take a cold shower imediatly
    * Leave your house, you're not going to masturbate in the middle of the street (I hope! Lol).
    * Use that energy. Go run, go one more time to the gym, go to a park, do squats, etc.
    4. Stop looking at the pictures of hot women on your computer or phone. That increases urges.

    Wish you good luck in your journey to recovery mate!
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2018
  6. shroomslover

    shroomslover New Fapstronaut

    Thanks eberyone for replying. I'm trying so hard to cure this addiction. Love you all!
  7. Such Small Hands

    Such Small Hands Fapstronaut

    Porn objectifies people as sex objects. Nothing more, nothing less. I guess it is possible for some to have a "healthy" engagement with the medium - I've given up on that particular discussion a while ago. What matters is how it has affected us. We're on this site, so it's clearly affected us significantly and negatively. I can tell you, how you view women won't change unless this addiction is adequately dealt with. But props to you for being honest with it. This kind of mental entrapment stays with you, I don't care how long you're PMO-free. But things do get better - at least from personal experience (I was 53 days clean last year) and others' testimonies.
  8. come live in the Midwest you will drop that idea In one day . I wish I don't have to see a lot of the ones I see
    Hitto and Deleted Account like this.
  9. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I think the OP means every 'hot' girl. So the reality is it isn't EVERY girl he sees. Once you appreciate this, it isn't so bad.

    Essentially, this is a good thing. You should be able to appreciate the finer details of average women anyway. Good luck!
  10. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

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