I have fallen in to intermittent porn use. Need some advice?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Basically I think the deltafosb is high in my brain for porn. As far as I am aware deltafosb is a binge mechanism, causing people and mammals in the wild to take full advantage of something when they get it. Basically it's like if a mammal in the wild hadn't eating for a while, then it got the opportunity to eat a lot of food, the mammal would take full advantage of it and eat lots of food, (binging) It's the same if a male mammal in the wild hadn't had sex for a while then got the opportunity to mate with loads of females, the male mammal would take full advantage of it and have sex with loads of females, (binging)

    Basically because I have heavily sexually conditioned my self to PMO over the last decade, my brain see's PMO as good for my survival. So basically what has happened to me recently is I am going a few weeks, sometimes even a month completely away from porn, but then I am hit with this EXTREME urge to PMO, and what happens is I literally binge on it for an entire day. I believe this is this mechanism caused by deltafosb kicking in.

    The strange thing is when I used to PMO all the time I didn't actually enjoy it that much, but just did it anyway. But now after going between a week to a month completely away from porn, when I do end up relapsing on it the pleasure I get from it is literally out of this world to me, it is extremely pleasurable and enjoyable. So yeah what happens is I go for a while without any porn at all, and then when I do relapse on it I spend a day binging on it, and then I go between a week to a month completely away from porn again.

    Another strange thing is after I PMO binge for a day after that day I no longer care about porn again for about a week, I don't get an urge again for about a week. But like I say once that urge does eventually strike it feels out of control.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
    Ethan1982 likes this.
  2. Ethan1982

    Ethan1982 Fapstronaut

    yes i know that also quite well
    you are discribing it perfectly
    after being abstinent for a while in the first moment watching porn my heart is beating really fast and i realy feel the blood rushing into my head and brain, pulsating, squeezing it in some way, i get a tunnel vision and only focussing on the screen of my laptop. after an hour or so i get extremly tired and feeling bad. my eyes hurt and i then stop watching porn.
    how do you feel after watching a whole day?
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Exhausted, but that only lasts about a day. The worry is I haven't been feeling too bad doing what I have been doing. But I don't want to be tricked in to thinking what I am doing is ok, because I know it is not.
    Ethan1982 likes this.
  4. Hi @skaterdrew

    I am on 21 day now since the first time I joined Nofap, so perhaps your day abstinence previously are more than mine.
    For now when my urge happened I did these:
    1. go to nofap forum
    2. read a lot about other people experience (damage that happened to them, success achieved, etc)
    3. support other who are in the same journey.
    These are things that works for me until now.

    From your last period of abstinence, what works for you to avoid PMO?
    Then from your relapse, what happened, was there any trigger?

    If you relapse and analyze those two I think you will go longer and longer for each period of relapse.

    Good luck brother :)
    Ethan1982 likes this.