I have found a reason that will finally help me succeed

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Newlers, Nov 11, 2017.

  1. Newlers

    Newlers Fapstronaut

    After many failed attempts to get off porn i feel i finally understand what it has done to me and my relationship with my wife. It seems obvious now but for years i didn't see it! If I want to have a loving, fulfilling relationship with my wife then i have to cut out pornography and masturbation in order to re connect with her intimately. This can't be achieved with porn. This site has opened my eyes to this - my eureka moment!:emoji_astonished:
  2. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    That is indeed true, And the exact reason why I joined up. It will not happen smoothly, however. You will undergo a period of PIED and this will be frustrating and frightening. Does she know what you're doing?
  3. Newlers

    Newlers Fapstronaut

    She knows im having therapy but i havent told her about signing up to nofap, just waiting for the right time. Already struggling with PIED which has brought it all to a head
    MerseyPhoenix likes this.
  4. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    I had to tell mine when I was PIED last week. It went well. She knew I'd struggled with P all my life and was genuinely supportive. I would say tell her, but you'll sense when is best.
    Newlers likes this.