I Keep Coming Back to This Same Conclusion

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Matrix Intel, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. The pain is gone now, so I'm not even thinking about death anymore. It's only then I get thoughts like that.
  2. Thanks man. Great job on the streak. Message me and I can give you great tips for permanent, infinite success of no PM, nofap. lol I live in a rural city north over the mountains of LA. I was thinking about something like Colorado or Texas. You're so right, there's a whole world out there to explore.
  3. I do think you can't run away from your past. You have to own your past, It's made you who you are.

    I know an old guy who was at one time years in jail, had a lot of problems, but now he is enormously successful and admired. And doesn't disown his past, he made a mistake, learned fom it, and got better.

    You can't run away from yourself.

    However, if you feel you have to move, you CAN do it, just realize it wont be a miracle cure.

    And better not to lie. Nobody has to know your past, but if someone asks, tell them the truth or nothing at all.

    Good luck to you!

    Buddhabro and Matrix Intel like this.
  4. Truth or nothing at all? lol
  5. Buddhabro

    Buddhabro Fapstronaut

    Sounds nice @Fork2323.
    Where are you from originally? L.A. seems like it's been a good place to relocate for some, but bad for others.
    Did you have to change career paths? What are you doing now? I'm just curious about moving, and L.A. seems appealing to me. Even though rents are probably pretty high.
    Finally, (if you can answer me), what's the best life turned around story you know of.
    I've never got very far from the misery of my childhood and dream of ending my life on a good note.
    Good luck to you
    vibemaker and Matrix Intel like this.
  6. I say leave but don't leave to escape, leave to explore!
    vibemaker and Matrix Intel like this.
  7. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Wow, lots of questions you asked.. im in AA for over 20 years now and i also goto SLAA, thats sex and love addicts annonymuse. So i have seen literaly 1000s of people turn their lives around and start fresh. In LA and Hollywood you see name actors and rockstars at meetings all the time. Every studio has AA meetings on their lot. The entertainment industry breads excess and thus recovery. So i have seen tons of people over the years get clean and sober and become huge. Major actors to writers making some of the biggest block busters in Hollywood. Who a few years before just had a day job as a waiter. Its all real and happens all the time.
    I myself have re-invented myself and changed careers multiple times.. this thing called the internet happened and digital media and everything changed. I have about 5 different things I do. The world keeps changing so adapt or die..
    The thing about AA recovery and doing the 12 steps in any program, or a sex addiction program, (there are like 4 different sex addiction programs in LA) is the 12 steps is all about healing your childhood past and coming to peace with it so you dont need the addiction anymore to escape all the negative feelings that got pushed down inside. You can actully really heal and embrace all that pain and turn it into an asset to help others. That is what 12 step programs do. And they are Huge here. There are over 2500 AA meetings a week all over the city. And for SLAA there are about 5 a day someplace around the city. Its a big group and growing. SAA, sex addicts anonamuse, has one of the biggest meetings, every Saturday morning with about 300 guys showing up.. So if you wanted to grow and change this is a great place to do it. I used to goto SAA, but i now more goto SLAA because they more talk about healthy dating and having healthy relationships after you get out of the sex addiction and its co-ed. There are women there too and at 1st it was triggery to hear them share about their addiction, but now its a learning thing about who women are and how they think and feel and to see them as people and not just sex objects.. so yes LA has alot of crazy going on and for an active addict alot of hedionism but there is tons of healty living and healing and growth here too..
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
    Matrix Intel, vibemaker and Buddhabro like this.
  8. Buddhabro

    Buddhabro Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for answering so many of my questions!
    You seem like a strong and resilient person. Doing 5 different occupations, and changing careers, going to AA, SAA, and SLAA meetings (something that I think I'd like).
    Healing and healthy living sounds good to me. Throw in a bit of Hollywood turn around magic, and it all seems a little dreamy.
    I'm lost and depressed in Hawaii, lonely and isolated and old.
    Of my dreams, living the good life in LA as an actor/successful person is an appealing fantasy.
    Hope is elusive, and dreams seemingly unattainable, but your story is incredible and inspiring.
    I hope I can find the strength and motivation to find a life worth living again.
    I wish you the best of luck and success. Have a great day.
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  9. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    As good as it is to gain other people's perspectives on this issue, you're the one who knows what is best for you and if a move is what you need then I would say just do it. If it doesn't work out then you can always come back.

    I'm in a similar position in terms of what you're saying above and I have distanced myself in the past from all that I've come to know and in doing so, I felt a liberation and a sense of peace that was unsurpassed. I ended up having to come back due to a change in circumstances but as soon as I am able to, I will be off again. It's not always a case of running away but a sense of shedding the old skin and growing into a new one.
    vibemaker likes this.