I Relapsed after 2 days, Please help me

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Huzaaayy, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. Huzaaayy

    Huzaaayy New Fapstronaut

    Idk why it's harder than i thought
    I just think it much easier than quit smoking ( i quitted smoking cold turkey after 7 years of smoking )
    But i always relapsed and relapsed.
    Please help me. This addiction is killing me inside more than smoking
  2. I would figure out the main ways that you keep coming back to it. Like what triggers it and then install porn blockers and such. For your phone i would get an app called offtime, which blocks apps for a certain amount of time.
    The Lone Ranger likes this.
  3. Huzaaayy

    Huzaaayy New Fapstronaut

    Thanks, ill download it
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. bike-wrench

    bike-wrench Fapstronaut

    Some people seem to think quitting this is easy. I did not find it that way; I found this is harder than quitting alcohol and drugs, for me.

    I have a few suggestions. I'll start with two:
    • Plan to come to this site every day for at least 15 minutes and look at some of the posts. See what other people are doing, and what works and doesn't work for them. I've been doing that since I started this time (this is not the first time I have tried to recover), and it's helped me.
    • Figure out the reasons that you want to stop. Which reasons are the strongest for you? Now: take those strongest reasons and find a way to remind yourself of them, two or three times every day. Make the habit of thinking about your recovery. How will you do that? Will you start a journal and read and write in it every day? Will you set reminders for yourself, like maybe alarms on your phone? Will you find pictures to put as your phone login screen to remind you why you want to recover? What will you do?
    Foe me, it takes work and attention to recover. Others may have found this easy; I do not find it so.
  5. Huzaaayy

    Huzaaayy New Fapstronaut

    Thanks, this is really helpful.
  6. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Smoking was easier for me to stop as soon as the health issues sunk in.

    Now porn on the other hand, it's imitating real sex, and that's difficult to associate with damage, but that's what we have to do.

    When you think about porn, don't just think about the images and pleasure associated with that, also think about how they affect your brain, and how it will detract from your life goals. Then use that information to make the valued choice in your best interest.

    I wrote down exactly how porn damaged me, read it every day for the last month or so. It has helped!
    Immature and meromero1 like this.
  7. I relapsed after 14 days today, I feel terrible. But then again, if I don't try and fail how can my story will be attractive to audience.
  8. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    think like this: you didn't even start a streak. 2 days is more an accident then a streak :)

    you can start e new streak now and go for 90 :)
    ☯ Shiv ☯ likes this.

  9. this was very helpful
  10. Yeah the fact that you reached out for advice is a big step in my opinion. it shows a level of commitment and self-honesty. Thats what happened to me.
    Contentful T likes this.
  11. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    The thing is we choose to be addicted. Sometimes that is hard to see let alone accept.
  12. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    I feel it is wrong to use a method. I mean I can see how it is easy to assume one method fits all, like one size fits all or something. But that is not always the case.

    I mean if the method works for you good, but if it doesn't, maybe something else is needed?
  13. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    “You know my method. It is founded upon the observation of trifles.”
    ― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Boscombe Valley Mystery

    I mean using a method isn't bad, I meant for me this is deeper than a secular method. That's all. Probably not applicable to all here. But some quotes. Wish you all the best in your journey.

    “Try again; you have millions of alternatives. Fill yourself with the bullets of hope and you will kill failure with one shot.”
    ― Israelmore Ayivor

    “The more restricted a method, the lesser the opportunity for one's individual freedom of expression.”
    ― Bruce Lee

    “Any technique, however worthy and desirable, becomes a disease, when the mind is obsessed with it.”
    ― Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee: Artist of Life
  14. Huzaaayy

    Huzaaayy New Fapstronaut

    This is brilliant, like my smoking habit back in the day.