I seriously don't know why all porn/adult content isn't blocked by default?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, May 21, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I have made a post similar to this a while ago.

    But I seriously don't understand why porn and adult content isn't blocked by default? I'm not taking about having porn completely blocked, I'm talking about it being blocked by default and if you want to turn it off you can.

    For instance the mobile network I am with blocks porn/adult content by default, and if you want to turn it off you need to sign in to your account online and provide a code from your passport, driving licence or provisional to turn this off.

    I seriously don't understand why all mobile networks and internet service providers don't do this? Why does the porn and adult content need to be so in your face? Why does the porn and adult content need to be so easily and instantly accessible? Why is the usual default for most mobile networks and internet service providers instant access of porn and adult content?

    I also feel like having porn and adult content blocked by default is a great idea to stop young kids from stumbling on to pornographic content.

    The porn and adult content isn't blocked to the point you can't get it. You can access it if you want. But to do so you'd need to be over the age of 18 and the account holder.

    Why on earth does every mobile network and internet service provider not do this?
  2. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut

    I really like your suggestions, I really do, but unfortunately some members in our society would express outrage over some sort of “nanny state” limitation.

    Another problem is there is so much P online (45% or so of the net is P related apparently), it would almost be impossible to to filter it all out.

    Imo, the best thing we can do is maybe lobby our politicians to think of a practical solution to combat adult content appearing online and create a decent age restricted service that would allow only those old enough to watch it be able to access P. But again, there is so much of it, I believe content filtering software even has trouble blocking it all.

    I believe the closest thing you can get from telco companies is a content DNS blocker. Look into it if you haven’t already.
  3. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut

    Plus I should also mention this, anytime someone has suggested the idea of an ID, passport, facial recognition system be in place, social libertarians cry mad and the idea is pretty much thrown into the bin. See what they tried to do in the U.K.
  4. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I don't understand why some people would see that like a nanny state if you can easily sign in to your account and allow porn and adult content. That's not being blocked from it.

    I can see how some people might be a bit annoyed at the fact of having to use a passport, driving licence, provisional to allow the porn content. I can see how some people might see that like a nanny state.

    But I honestly don't see why anyone would have an issue with porn and adult content being blocked by default, and if you're the account holder of the mobile network you use, or the internet service provider you use you can easily just sign in and turn it off. Children aren't usually the account holders of these things, so they wouldn't be able to access these accounts to turn the porn and adult content off

    I really don't see why anyone would have a problem with this. I don't think this is like a nanny state at all. As you can easily access the porn and adult content if you're the account holder.

    I seriously don't know why being automatically able to access porn and adult content needs to be the default.

    The porn and adult content blockers on my mobile network account and internet service provider account are really good. I'd say they do block the majority of the bad stuff. I don't think it would be all the difficult to develop good porn and adult content blockers. You might not get everything, but I do feel like they get the worst of it.

    Like I said the mobile network I use already does this, it automatically has porn and adult content blocked by default. But you can turn it off if you're the account holder and if you use details on your passport, driving license or provisional. I maybe think having to provide that sort of information is a bit extreme, and maybe is somewhat like a nanny state. But I don't think it is like a nanny state if all you need to turn the porn and adult content block off is to be the account holder and to sign in to your account to turn it off.

    I honestly don't understand why anyone would complain about a system like this.

    They see it as a big problem and claim it is like a nanny state if you can't instantly access porn and adult content as the default.
    Last edited: May 21, 2020
    Indurian likes this.
  5. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    $$ Also plays a role.
  6. Because nudity and sex are selling well, and it brings a lot of money therefore those who have the money will stop getting more money if that was the case ...
  7. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I think that definitely is true. I mean how many times has someone not intentionally went looking for porn but has been triggered by something they have seen?

    How many people have had no intention of buying something but then have bought something because of an advert they have seen?

    This just proves a point. If porn wasn't so much in in our faces and was more hidden, this would naturally reduce the amount of people that end up using porn.
    Xander_ likes this.