I think I'm a Love addict.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ra's Al Ghul, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Sure, I am attracted to beautiful women, but also the "ideal" of everything that goes along with that, like having a loving relationship with her, imagining a future together, visions of romance, etc.

    It's to the point where whenever I think about it sometimes especially when I am single, it really tears at my soul. I get real down and depressed because I haven't found that love. I don't know if I'm making myself clear enough.
    Millenial, r8js and Buddhabro like this.
  2. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I know I have to learn to be content, but needing that love and not having it tears at me. Daily I put on the facade of happiness, but like a Clown outwardly I look happy, but sad inside.
  3. oneperson

    oneperson Fapstronaut

    Did you know that the want to feel loved is a normal human thing? Every human has it some accept it some don’t. I don’t think your a love addict you could just be a romantic person with no one to romance with. But don’t set standards low for yourself because you will only end up fucked like myself. The worst year of my life was my last relationship. All because I settled for her.

    And honestly man I feel where your coming from. The person your looking for just is not there. But question have you went looking for her? Most likely she won’t end up in your doorstep with a sign that says it’s me. It’s not like the movies at all my friend.

    Go out and look find what you like and don’t like about women date all sorts of them. All girls love us romantic dudes trust me. The school whore I kept for 1 year couldn’t get enough of it till she decided I wasn’t enough for her and so on.

    She’s out there man trust me
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  4. oneperson

    oneperson Fapstronaut

    And dude if you need anything else message me. I’m here to help because I understand
  5. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    What helped me was meditating on love. Becoming love myself. Loving yourself and then you will attract it from others too. It sounds very spacey, cliché and abstract, but you can trigger the feeling of love. Think fondly of people you love or have loved, or even animals - beloved pets are excellent at this exercise! Good memories and notice how the feeling is felt. If you start feeling pain, redirect your thought to the good feeling again. Keep gently returning to this feeling and embody it as often as possible everyday. You'll start seeing miracles happen, I swear.

    Also, what helped me a lot was practicing "Metta meditation", which is basically evoking the sensation of deep love and share it. It's most effective if you do it first thing in the morning as it sets the tone and vibe for the rest of the day. I do this very often, actually. Search on Youtube for free Metta guided meditations.