I think this genre has permanently altered my sexuality

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by BrSweat, Jul 8, 2022.

  1. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    BBC P
    has affected me forever. Watched this for 3 years now, at first the addiction was strong but i was able to get out of it quick and wouldnt remember it after.

    But this year anytime i watched it, my brain went haywire just at a image or a mere thought of it. I have acute Ocd too and my brain keeps bringing it back to my attention, shit it comes in my dreams too, inducing all sorts of feelings. Im afraid any attempt i do to get rid of this fetish is just repressing my desires for it.

    I fucking hate how porn has warped my world view and turned me into this filthy creep but at the same time there are people IRL who do this and women who want hardcore s*x all the time. What do i do guys?
    WilliamJ.F. likes this.
  2. Francis X.

    Francis X. Fapstronaut

    I had a really bad sexual interest for a while. I was a zoophile for six months on NoFap, but it eventually went away. I even had dreams where I had sex with dogs and fell in love with dogs. Don't worry. I thought it was permanent, but it was not. Your interest might not be permanent as well.
    Kieran2121 likes this.
  3. "there are people IRL who do this and women who want hardcore s*x all the time."

    Some women are lesbians and would never want that. Some women are racist and would never want that. Some women experience pain during sex and thus would not want to engage in masochistic sex. Some women have been a victim of a sex crime and may be horrified by masochistic sex. Masochistic sex may also hinder an actor's ability to ascertain consent, so some women might not want to engage in it.

    Sadism and masochism may be painful, damaging, and bloody. There may be an increase chance of infection during sadomasochistic sex because of the higher chance of bleeding and injury. Regardless of whether someone likes sadomasochistic sex or not, it can hurt or kill people. Yes, some infections can kill people.

    I would not hurt or kill someone, even if they liked it.

    Sadomasochistic sex can also be manipulated by women for false rape accusations.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2022
  4. Tommygun_!

    Tommygun_! Fapstronaut

    Your brain is messed up from watching porn and from masturbating too much. The specific fetish is irrelevant. Go 90 days without PMO and see what happens. Recovery happens quick, you can become the man you were always meant to be within just a few months.
  5. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    Trying man and i know. Porn really messed up with my psyche and i hate it
  6. Tommygun_!

    Tommygun_! Fapstronaut

    What's your longest streak? It can take a lot of tries and fails to get up towards those longer streaks.
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  7. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    I was recently on a 46 day streak then relapsed to non fetish porn but i peeked my fetish porn aswell and my desire for it was very strong this time too which is why im scared
  8. Tommygun_!

    Tommygun_! Fapstronaut

    That's ok. Your fetish is not the real you. Don't peek the fetish stuff. I never recommend relapsing but if you're absolutely going to anyways, try relapsing to a non-fetish mental fantasy instead of using porn. No fetish stuff at all, that's only going to feed the beast and make it grow.

    You can do this bro. The only question is how long is it going to take you? Use your willpower, push your limits. Remember how shit-terrible you feel after each relapse. It gets easier. You'll make it.
    Legacy of Lost Soul and BrSweat like this.
  9. Reclamation

    Reclamation Fapstronaut

    Porn is a supernormal stimulus. I know this isn't a popular view outside these forums, but I think the women who are into the out-there stuff are often impacted by trauma and the effects of supernormal stimulus too.

    The point is, you have to outgrow this shit. When you're a kid, and people are playing a game on the playground, at the time it might feel important, but as you get older, you see it as kid stuff. You see why it's not as compelling and important as you thought it was at the time. Yes it seems fun and exciting, but you've gotta start creating the mindset that you're outgrowing the people who are into that stuff. Let them have their fun, but you, you're going to a higher level where you'll look back on that as a waste of your time and energy. If sex and certain things like this are so important to you, question why, then put them on your list of important priorities, then ask yourself, okay, but what is more important than this right now, and start a ranked list next to your sexual interests. You'll gradually see it go to the bottom. Your health matters, your mental health matters, your family, time with others, being in nature etc...

    The question will always be: If you want healing and recovery, what are you willing to sacrifice
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2022
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  10. Wolf7

    Wolf7 Fapstronaut

    Please just stay away from the pornography for the rest of your life and it will be fixed. What you’re feeling is unnatural and the attention it it isn’t 100% your fault, but choosing to indulge this gay fantasy for years has altered your mind which is what porn does on PURPOSE. This isn’t you and I hope you’re able to heal and one day find someone to love and that loves you. Please take care of yourself…I feel deeply for you
    Aquiantedwithsorrow likes this.