I think too much - help

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, May 7, 2016.

  1. Day 9, i realize that I literally think too much: I think about big philosophical topics like "What is the meaning of life" and this stuff. It makes me really depressing thinking about this. Also, I think a lot of like "What should I do in life?". This thinking makes me depressed, tired, dizzy and always gives me a headache.

    What could I do to be a "less thinker"?

    Deleted Account and incredulo like this.
  2. incredulo

    incredulo Fapstronaut

    Why? I think it is great. We all should be thinking about life and its meaning. We are all philosophers at heart. When we think and discuss with other ideas become more clear. Once you clarify a lot of things you will be more relaxed and happier.
  3. webrunner0825

    webrunner0825 Fapstronaut

    I have the same problem. Whenever I find myself stressed or down, it's usually because I'm caught away in my thoughts - to a debilitating extent.
    NEWS FLASH: Thinking to yourself "Okay, I'm going to try and think less" never works (for me at least). Here's what helps me:

    -Getting involved in something distracting but ALSO meaningful. Something that merely distracts never addresses the problem, just delays it. For me it's running, getting work/coursework done, going somewhere new or unusual
    -Replace bad/negative influences with good things. Surround yourself with motivational friends, quotes, and general positivity.
    -Achieve a state of *FLOW* by focusing in on something. Instead of trying to balance a handful of interests/tasks/jobs, just REALLY focus in on one and address the others later.
    -Best out of all of them: spend time with other people. Try to serve them. Focus in on them. When you do, it usually gives you a better perspective about your own problems.

    You should look up Flow on Wikipedia, it's interesting stuff!
    fight for life likes this.
  4. See, no one understands me -.-

    The worst think you can ever do is to think too much. You just get depressed, nihilistic, dizzy and it only gives you a headache. Nope, nothing for me. It does more harm than good for me


    webrunner0825 likes this.
  5. webrunner0825

    webrunner0825 Fapstronaut

    I mean Incredulo has a point, it seems like not enough people today actually take a step back and think about what life is really about, etc.

    But I've definitely had moments where I feel lethargic, or paralyzed even, because I'm caught up in my mind..
  6. Doing things, spending time with other people or focusing on one particular task will only stimulate the thinking more. Resisting it will also make it harder. Sit down and do nothing. You need solitude. You need quite space. An environment with as little mental stimulation as possible. As little sounds as possible, as little visual stimulation as possible. All those things are like fuel to mind. So if you want it to calm down you need to take away fuel. I prefer going for a walk at 6AM when most of the city is asleep and just sit in a park for a while. Or go to a river and find a place where there is not many people and just stare at waters. Waters are empty. Visual emptiness, a wast space calms down the mind the same way as silence does.

    Then I just sit there are focus on present moment. My body, my berating, bird sounds, water sounds, even sounds of cars in distance. Just try to take it all in to create more sense of presence. When you are fully present in the now there are no thoughts. I would actually recommend a book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. He's a spiritual teacher that's all about teaching people how to stop thinking. Another good teacher that was also all about that is Jiddu Krishnamurti. He also have some good books out and you can find a lot of his talks for free on Youtube, so as Tolle's by the way.
  7. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    MEDITATION is the medication for this. Its literally a state of no thinking.
    also drink no coffee start jogging and act more before you think
    • Trust yourself you will do the right thing. No need to guard every word and action
  8. @Pluto I know exactly how you feel, I to the same thing but I have OCD.
  9. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    Also remeber this pluto. You can only ever change the present time and subsequent the future
    Thinking too much and thinking about the future too much results results in you being thrown out of the present time and losing the ability to change thingd