I used to do NoFap for that girl

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Albeda22, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Albeda22

    Albeda22 Fapstronaut

    There was that one girl I used to like but now I cant see her... wanted to improve myself for her... we used to talk but just talk. I wanted to be with her and now its over, I don't want to go out and force myself to meet someone, I want it to be natural... but now I have no motivation to do NoFap the benefits are that I quit porn but not masturbation, I still masturbate once a week. I seem to be fine but I still want to stop masturbating completely but I just cant.
  2. El_Macho

    El_Macho Fapstronaut

    Now that you’re “alone”, your masturbation is slowly going to escalate more than once a week, then the porn and etc. Next thing you know, you’re too far deep. Be strong, you’re better than this! Enjoy being single, enjoy doing you, one day you might regret it. There’s more to life in front of you, it’s you that has to make that happen. Get out of this rut and be strong!
    Tiburon727 and Hitto like this.
  3. Albeda22

    Albeda22 Fapstronaut

    its been a stable 2 months actually
  4. Tiburon727

    Tiburon727 Fapstronaut

    I agree with El Macho. I think with us farther into this addiction we read your post and see how it could open a door to where you cannot stop the P and M. Then you find a girl you love and you cannot perform or get into some crazy hardcore stuff.

    Glad you are doing well, I think what we see when we read your post is to be careful because that is how this addiction makes its place in your life. And once you are in my friend, it will take years or decades to get out.

    Hope things go well for you.
  5. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    same story here . i was with girl. but her pure love made me feel inpure for her all time. she didnot knew about my nofap thing. the impure feeling always makes me feel evil all time. now whenever i see girl i feel impure
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018