i'm new here:)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by chris87, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. chris87

    chris87 Guest

    hey, folks!

    i just watched a video on porn-addiction and the nofap community which made it plain clear to me that i have to join your movement.
    im now in my late twenties and have been a quite heavy porn user for lots of years (masturbation and porn virtually every day, sometimes twice or even more often, only leaving me more empty than before). my porn-preferences have also grown increasingly kinky over the years (not going into detail here) and i have the feeling of running a vicious circle of addiction.

    maybe today is the time to break that circle, maybe a reboot is just what i need now. so let's try it.

    i've already heard of some pros and cons of abstaining from porn and masturbation and also of the difficulties of craving so i don't know how long i can take this challenge at my first try. but my long-term goal will be passing the 90-days challenge.
    but for now i will just try and find out how long i can go in my first run.
    the first goal i set myself is three weeks.

    wish me luck and if you have some general advices, i'm happy very to hear them!

    oh, and since im not a native speaker, possible grammar mistakes may please be excused;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2014
  2. enoughnow

    enoughnow Fapstronaut

    I wish you luck, but I can't advise you on giving up kinky stuff since I do not look at that stuff.
  3. jmark

    jmark Banned

    Today is the day you break your cycle!