Im so Miserable

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by rookie86, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. rookie86

    rookie86 New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    I have been hooked on porn for about 8 years. I was also hooked on opiates for 2 years. I quit the opiates four years ago, but I cannot quit the porn or eating junk food. I spend money on porn. I feel great while doing it but dirty and disgusted when done. I have not had a girlfriend in 6 years. I just do not know what to do. My dad is a recovering sex addict and that is all he talks about to me. But I tried going to one of those SA meetings and I hated it. I am just down. I cannot quit looking at porn and eating junk. I feel like a loser. My family can see I feel like a loser. I don't know. I just needed to vent. Really do not think I can quit. I failed so many times with food only tried to quit looking at porn a couple of times. Lasted two weeks once. I am about to be 30 and I just want to live a good life. Can you even masturbate doing this? I don't know guys. Hats off to everyone fighting this fight. I feel like throwing in the towel. Sick of being an isolated loser. Take care anyone. Any advice is welcome and appreciated.
    Shadowscholar likes this.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

  3. Axlrose123

    Axlrose123 Fapstronaut

    impressive , wish I could be like that one day
  4. DKR

    DKR Fapstronaut

    you will
    Elduderino likes this.
  5. rookie86

    rookie86 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for your responses. The biggest thing with me not being able to quit with this and junk food is I just want to be normal. I don't want to be an addict. I see my friends and they tell me they only watch porn on occasion and tell me everybody does. I know it sounds week but I just want to fit in and be normal, but at 28 years old and living with my parents and beating off 2-3 times a day this is not normal at all. Im in a vicious cycle. I quit opiates because I seen firsthand what they were doing to my health and bank account. This flys more under the radar. Also i had friends die from opiates so that made me more focused. Thanks again everyone.
  6. Devorian

    Devorian Fapstronaut

    The feeling of being a loser is actually part of your brain trying g to hook you in more. You have the power and you can do this just give yourself something better to do use that money you spend on junk food and porn to go to the gym. Vent out your testatorone and frustrations exercise actually helps improve the minds state of wellness and makes you happier with yourself. And keep this in mind a diamond just doesn't appear it is put under alot of heat and pressure you just have to apply the pressure to change on yourself and the heat to burn away this addiction and you will give yourself a one of a kind diamond of life.
  7. rookie86

    rookie86 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks man for the response. Couldn't even make it one day. i tried eating healthy and no tapping. I lasted 22 hours. I didn't realize how hard this would be. It sucks man. I was addicted to opiates but I was able to quit those. I just do not know what to do about the food and porn. Im so down. I am almost thirty and my life is in shambles. I am sick of being afraid to talk to women and people more confident than me. I am sick of spending money on porn. I am sick of not having a woman in forever. I am just sick. I feel sick. I feel alone. I feel fat. I feel unhealthy and I feel like this has way more power over me than I thought. Thanks everyone.
  8. Lightning Man

    Lightning Man Fapstronaut

    First of all congratulations on going 22 hours! You need celebrate the small victories. I know it's cliche but it true that every journey begins with a single step. Try for 23 hours next. Part of the trap that I think makes giving up PMO so hard if that cycle of failure. Whether we go 22 hours or 22 days the instant we give in again we can feel like the time we were able to stay away was for naught. At least that has been my experience. Then I feel depressed and I go on a binge. When I have been able to celebrate and say "I was able to last longer than I have before it helps me keep going.

    Keep moving forward man. You can do it.
  9. 85model

    85model Fapstronaut

    I suggest you should try join a local gym and invest in a personal trainer. Channel your focus into something that can help progress your life, like the gym.

    Stop wasting time and take control. If you get fitter and healthy, your mental health will improve and your chances of meeting a girl will improve.
  10. IcouldIshould

    IcouldIshould New Fapstronaut

    Hello, I also am new here.

    Browsing around led me to a ted talk called "the pleasure trap" by Douglas Lisle Which comes up with ideas to change your eating habits.

    It seems that junk food and porn addictions share the same mechanics. In fact, just like any other drug addiction.
  11. Fooz

    Fooz Guest

    Hey dude, first of all, you're definitely not a loser, think about all the people in the world that are addicted to PMO and junk food and other craps out there that don't even care. The fact that you are on this site trying to overcome these problems means that you are a part of the few, you're part of the resistance!

    Amway glad to have you here man, feel free to message me anytime. It's not gonna be easy, but never give up man, you'll keep improving slowly and eventually you'll get there. Set small goals for yourself and work your way up.
  12. WorkInProgress

    WorkInProgress Fapstronaut

    rookie86, chin up mate! Well done for your 22 hour stint. Try for an hour longer next time. Every moment is a win! Remember: you are not a loser! You have great things to offer! Maybe develop a new positive habit. Maybe wrestling, creative writing, jogging, cave diving - whatever! Perhaps try to find something you enjoy, even if you don't think you're good at it. I'm wondering if you work or not. If you don't, try to get into it, or if you're studying, throw yourself into that and uni socials.

    You can do it mate!
  13. witzelsucht

    witzelsucht Fapstronaut

    yeah spend your money on anything else, get hooked on coffee, go to the gym and get a trainer who will make you show up. something about teaching a man how to fish. i'm only two days in. make a list of healthy things to do. go for a walk to get coffee, go for a run, go for a walk, go lift something, do 10 pushups, write another post on here, say a prayer, call someone on the phone (like a parent or relative - not your dad), do anything that's going to get you outside, in touch with someone or get your mind onto more productive and healthy thinking. cheers and good luck. 22 hours can be tough and should be applauded. good job. post here when you hit 24+ hours before your relapse!
  14. agoodfuture

    agoodfuture Fapstronaut

    I have a couple pieces of advice in regards to nutrition. I myself have had a hard time changing habits in that regard, even though I haven't been hooked on junk food and I'm actually interested in cooking and meal preparing.

    The thing that made me successful at finally changing eating habits, is that in the transition period I decided to combine new and old habits. The other focus I had, was and still is, is to make it enjoyable. It is very difficult to change eating habits if you're not enjoying it. There is also the issue with what the body is used to.

    So in-between your old habits I suggest trying new meals that are both healthy and tastes great. I bet soon your taste buds will change preferences.

    That being said, I'm not an expert, and everyone is responsible for themselves. :)

    I think you should give yourself credit for the fact that you are here and motivated to change for the better.
  15. Stavrogin

    Stavrogin Fapstronaut

    One thing I've found to be helpful: Find an alternative activity that DOESN'T take much energy that you can turn to when the urge comes. It's easy to tell yourself that every time you feel like looking at porn you'll go for a 10 mile run, but...yeah right. You can work up to that! But when just starting, shoot low. Find a TV show to get addicted to, take a shower, play video games. Something that you can turn to without herculean effort. Best wishes!
    witzelsucht likes this.
  16. Devorian

    Devorian Fapstronaut

    With your food problem, I also suffer from that need to eat. I have eaten myself into a food coma, and have major control issues when it comes to eating. I will look at a slice of pizza and know I don't need it but my mind is telling me that I am starving and I need to eat it, when I have already eaten four slices. Some people lack that control to tell you that you are full, but in some cases it is how your mind has grown to react to stress of something bothering you. Comfort food is just what it sounds like foods that bring comfort to the one eating. This could be any type of food that the individual has made a comforting psychological connection with. If this is the case with you as I know it is with me, you just need to find the root cause of your stress and overcome it. I know that is easier said then done believe me, I know, but you have to really get a deep look at yourself on a very psychological level. I did sometime this last week and not only did I find the root of my stress but also what may have triggered my addiction to p to begin with. I now have the main cause of what has been ailing me all these years for the first time. Maybe this will help you maybe it wont, but I hope it does. I hope that if it does that it will open up your mind the way it has mine and give you new ground to stand on and take this battle on the offensive and no longer the defensive. Good luck to you my friend and may you find happiness in your journey.