Insecure because of the color of my skin which is brown not white

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Islanders190, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    I have some insecurities that are major blocks to my life and I hope my fellow nofappers can drop some words of wisdom on me

    I'm insecure about the color of my skin . I have a thing for white and Spanish girls and I feel they reject me cause I'm brown and women want white men . I feel they also reject me cause even though I'm 25 I'm 5 7 in height. Height is a big insecurity for me plus I don't look my age I can pass for like 19.

    Because of this I'm starting to hate women a little .

    What are everyone's thoughts on this ?
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    You look six years younger than you are. What's wrong with that?

    Most people would count their lucky stars not moan about it. :rolleyes:
  3. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    Because girls my age have rejected me because they said I'm cute but look to young . So before writing a response think it through before replying. If I'm posting a thread about this than clearly there's some sort of issue
  4. xedger

    xedger Guest

    I know this doesn't help directly, but if people really are rejecting you because of the colour of your skin then you really don't need them in your life.

    Is your insecurity about height because you think you are too short? 5'7" really isn't short.

    What's even more important is that if you allow yourself to start hating then others will be able to sense it even if you don't say anything. They will avoid you and it could become a vicious circle.
    VexedCoffee likes this.
  5. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    Yea your def right . I feel like these insecurities are in my head so when talking to people or passing women on the street, those insecurities or beliefs about myself being not white , 5 7 in height and looking young therefore women wouldn't want me . It's doesn't have to be all 3 beliefs it could be just one that's more dominant, it depends on the situation.
    As for the height when I see women who are like 5 9 or like 5 10 on the street, my insecurity comes up that " she wouldn't like me or want to date me because she's taller than me"
  6. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    My mentor for cold approach is asian and he gets women of all races.
  7. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    Same height and pass for much younger even at the age of 31. The height thing is a pain, but I find just having confidence when around others is more important than a few extra inches. Be bright and kind and you won't go far wrong!
    As for looking younger. Consider it a cursed blessing. I still have people shocked when I reveal my age. I only really started to appreciate when I hit 30 and even now I'm somehow attracting attention from much younger women. I'm alright with that though. Had an 18-year-old hit on me recently. How flattering! Looking younger is brilliant. I used to hate it, but now love it and feel very fortunate.
  8. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for taking the time and really giving a Brother some solid advice . I hear you on the 30s thing it's great that you get a lot of compliments , but my brain is saying well" compliments are good and all but that still doesn't mean your dating or hooking up with women " as you can see this insecurity about looking young is a deep thing ingrained in me that I need work on .

    When it comes to height yea only people who have short problem insecurities know how it truly feels. I know there are women who are 5 5 5 6 or 5 3 whatever it may be who are just as good to but I find myself beating myself up when I do see someone taller than me because I say to myself women want tall guys. I had a friend who was 5 6 , some years back it was also a big insecurity for him to . We both felt like being tall meant that you were more of a man.

    When you mentioned the race thing I never looked at it that way. That Asian and African girls would be pissed because I want white or Spanish girls . It is true a prefance thing

    New Life Mantra 333 likes this.
  9. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    Has it been difficult getting dates with women , or dating women for you ??
  10. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    Yes, in a sense. Unrelated to height or looking younger, my main issue has been the confidence factor with women. I think the porn issue is at the heart of it though, as it gives you unrealistic expectations and messes with your head. Being brutally honestly with myself, I've no problems chatting women up but on the next level I'm pretty hopeless. I think I'm after settling down now though at my age and would like a long-term relationship, so porn needs to go. It's very nice to be complimented on though, as it's usually the men that compliment the women. As I've gotten older, I've noticed a lot more interest, as when I was younger and looked much younger, it was very hard and my confidence suffered. It has changed now, thank god.