
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Midships, Mar 24, 2021.

  1. Midships

    Midships Fapstronaut

    New to NOFAP here. Today is day 3 that I have abstained. I am a sex addict and a porn addict. I do not know what my goal is yet, I am taking one day at a time. I am going to research what tools and help I can get from this site and go from there. I am currently seeing a therapist once a week, and also have joined a sexual maladaptative behavior (SMB) group on another site. I log in daily to a thread there for help. Looking for the tools and resources that I can!
  2. thepurplemirror

    thepurplemirror Fapstronaut

    Welcome man ! , thats really great , acknowledging the issue is half the battle , kudos and im rooting for you !
    there is alot of helpful content here and on youtube , what's important is to believe in the processs; keep going and to avoid triggers .
  3. Midships

    Midships Fapstronaut

    Thanks! I will look into youtube as well.
  4. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you're taking it seriously. Good for you, and best of luck. Hope to see you around :)
  5. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Congrats on taking a first step to a healthier life. Lots of information in posts in here and tons out there in the world. Two that I like are Matt Dobschuetz of Porn Free Radio ( who has many excellent podcasts on how to heal and ways to adjust your thinking. Another good site is (Dr. Rob Weiss author of Out of the Doghouse and a bunch of other books), especially if you are in a relationship and your partner has experienced any of the betrayal trauma of finding out what you've been up to. Stopping porn usage is critical, and I would recommend stopping masturbation totally too for at least 90 days. Clean out our brain and you'll be amazed how much better you feel and how more clearly you think. To be ultimately successful, you need to get beyond counting how many days you've been clean and focusing on the porn behavior you're trying to stop, and dig deep into the reasons why you went there and stayed there in the first place. Without that, much higher likelihood you will relapse. And to dig deeper, you can't do it alone. You need other human beings to talk with, voice out loud what you've been doing and keeping in the darkness, as that honesty first to yourself, then voiced to a trusted person, will help you stay out of that darkness and get on the road to a happier life, intimate relationships and healthy sexuality. That is great that you are working with a therapist and have a group. The SAA group I have joined has been very key in my recovery and it is amazingly powerful how hearing other guys tell their similar stories and you being able to tell yours without condemnation or condoning, but just a ton of support, is so helpful. I wish you well and know you can overcome this.
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