
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by proudxlegendary, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. proudxlegendary

    proudxlegendary Fapstronaut


    I'm David from Europe, I like gaming, cycling in nature, hanging out with friends. And unfortunately I am also addicted to porn, since 4/5 years maybe..

    Which really changes the way I am, every time when I felt bad, bored, tired or even
    the opposite of those emotions. I instinctively felt forced to fap, to get some sort of happy boost, but it always ended up getting depressed or feeling empty.

    So after trying a couple of times to get rid of my porn addiction by myself. And failing a lot I thought It was finally time I needed a different better approach to end this addiction. I saw something about NoFap at 9gag and was interested, curiously I began reading some reddit forums. And thought that was enough to start ending my addiction.

    But after that I relapsed again multiple times, so I registered here on this forum to keep track of my fight against my addiction. And now I hope that this is the start of the end of my porn addiction. After that being said I could really use some tips on how to tackle this.

    So feel free to reply ;) ,

    Cheers David

    Sorry for my bad english, as I said I'm from Europe so the sentences could be a little messed up.
    jfromcr likes this.
  2. Rapparee

    Rapparee Guest

    Glad to see you here David, my tips for you are the following:

    1. Engage fully with the forums especially parts that talk about the science and psychology of PMO, it will help you understand how its not just a habit but an addiction like any other and to recognise these behaviours within yourself.

    2. Create a journal in the journal section to express your own thoughts on your journey to beat your addiction, it will help you reflect and also people in the community can advise you and help to point you in the right direction if needs be.

    3. To delve deep inside and understand what triggers your need to seek P. A lot of us have underlying issues that have led us to P to cover up such issues. Trust me its one of the keys to understanding and tackling it.

    4. Have goals that you can set yourself, your reasons for wanting to stop. If you can see another place more pleasant on the horizon then it makes the whole struggle more worth it.

    I'm sure there are many more I haven't mentioned here but its a start. I'm sure from what you've explained already about your self that you have some motives for stopping Fapping and I'm sure now you have come here that you can make a change. Don't be a stranger!
    proudxlegendary likes this.
  3. proudxlegendary

    proudxlegendary Fapstronaut

    Thanks for you kind advise! I already understood that it was an addiction from the beginning :), that's also why I'm here. Also good luck on you man you nearly passed the 15 days
  4. jfromcr

    jfromcr Fapstronaut

    Hey @proudxlegendary,

    Welcome to the fight! I agree with @Rapparee on setting goals. Make sure your goals are in front of you before you go to bed and as soon as you wake in the morning. Don't live on autopilot where you don't have a plan for the day.