Is dopamine the neurochemical behind 'binging on Netflix'?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Anonymous86, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Odd and strange question. However if it's 'yes', then that explains that my e.d. is caused by porn because I have no desire to really get into a television show and binge on Netflix. And that was an activity I wouldn't mind doing prior.
  2. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    It's hard to say. The instant gratification of having a new episode available immediately after the last one--with no more having to wait a full week in between, like we had to do in the old days--could potentially have an effect on dopamine. I know for me, binge watching Netflix has definitely had an element of compulsion to it. The credits roll, and I can't help but start the next episode--even if I've just watched three in a row before that.
  3. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

  4. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    My SO read something about the "click bait" and needing the next episode on Netflix or YouTube and how it's damaging to just keep going.
    So we have so many shows we watch and we wrote them down and instead of watching shows episodes back to back, we vary from show to show by the roll of dice after writing our shows down in a list.
    I don't know if this is very helpful, but he hasn't ogled or fogged up in a month since we started this. (took about 3 days)
    So we keep doing it.
    No click bait.
    And there's no way to watch the same two shows every night either.
    It's all on the dice so we never know.
    He says it's alot more relaxing.
    Hope this helps!
    plant goodness likes this.
  5. Mixtec

    Mixtec Fapstronaut

    Interesting topic. I just binged watched 16 episodes (1 hour long) of a KDrama this weekend in 1 and a half days. After I finished I suddenly felt empty and kept going to YouTube to check if there were any unreleased episodes. I even started listening to the shows soundtrack just because it made me "feel" good. Its as if it was comforting to know that even though the show is finished on Netflix but knowing that I can listen to the soundtrack made me good. Its just wierd to explain

    It's wierd because I don't binge watch any shows and now that Im on no pmo'ing I think this it was a sub for the dopamine hit?
  6. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    My SO was doing something similar... That's why he came up with the "dice list"
    It's helped him Immensely!
    he has been having way better days and less triggers & mood swings.
  7. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    yes, dopamine is your pleasure chemical. Whenever you feel pleasure from doing an activity dopamine is released in your brain.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  8. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    I'm so done with television shows.
  9. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    I'd advise ditching tv shows in particular if you're ready for it.

    Not everyone is ready. They are still anticipating deliciously written and expertly produced shows in the future.

    I think once you have had your fill you can be ready for something larger and more rewarding than what tv has to offer and will ever have to offer.

    Now film is something you can watch and not find yourself bingeing.

    I think subscription services like people to binge so avoid streaming services based on a monthly fee and just pay for a movie, this should naturally encourage moderation at least in theory.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  10. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    We use a 20 sided die.
    20 shows on the list.... So the chance of rolling two shows in the same night or two nights in a row is Slim.
    Also most nights we only watch 1 show based on how much he works.
    Some nights it's two.... And again... Trying to get any of the same shows in the same week, is slim.
    If we didn't have the Stars List, films might be a great idea for us, but I don't see that happening atm.
    It is a great idea tho. @plant goodness
    plant goodness likes this.
  11. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    A 20 sided die?! Can you post a pic of such an anomaly?
    Kenzi likes this.
  12. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    It's called a icosahedron.
    Used for games like dungeons and dragons

    Find in any game store. $0.75- $5 depending on where you live
  13. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

  14. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Taking it to the extreme, no? TV shows aren't as bad as porn.
  15. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    I also have exactly this. Before my porn addiction got out of control I would say I still had a "normal" dopamine system. I used to binge watch lots of tv shows and I loved it. I would generally look forward to it, this binge watching was no doubt driven by dopamine. Now that my porn fethishes are out of hand and Porn barely just about excites me now, I no longer have this desire to binge watch tv shows because my dopamine is so low. Everything seems pretty boring in my life to be honest. So the answer to your question is a resounding yes.
    LivinginRecovery and Anonymous86 like this.
  16. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut
