Is it possible to go on long streaks without disassociating?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by PRN-ADKT, Nov 4, 2018.


    PRN-ADKT Fapstronaut

    After several days of not getting a sexual release, I feel like I'm suppressing a fundamental human urge, but I still manage to go on longer streaks through sheer discipline.

    It's an effective technique, but the only way I can make it work without driving myself insane is by disassociating with my body as my sexual feelings become more and more intense.

    These feelings are so intrinsically linked to who I am that suppressing them turns me into a total robot.

    Is there any way for me to remain connected to my body, when every fiber of my being is screaming for me to get a release?
  2. first off theres a reason you feel the way you feel, assuming its porn addiction, when you have an addiction and than deny that addiction your body wont react well at first for a while, your body is so used to getting release whenever you feel like it, now that you are denying it, its gonna start building up. The first step is accepting that these feelings will happen, i welcome them because i view them as a sign that the toxin is leaving my body. It is struggling to survive and i am denying its existence, so welcome the overwhelming sensations because that means you are winning the battle and with every day you resist it, the feeling will fade, and eventually be gone. If you truly want to be free you have to fight and bare through it, struggle and survive!.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2018

    PRN-ADKT Fapstronaut

    The thing is, I am over my porn addiction. I haven't watched any since January and I don't really have any urges to watch porn anymore. I just get an uncomfortable feeling in my groin that makes it impossible to stay connected with by body and live in the present unless I get it out of my system by masturbating. This is not something that will simply disappear if I keep it under control long enough. Having a strong sex drive is a normal part of being a healthy male, and suppressing it means denying my humanity and becoming robotic.
  4. i see well in that case find a girlfriend
  5. MusicMakingMonk

    MusicMakingMonk Fapstronaut

    I posted this on another thread where you mentioned the same problem but I will put it up here too

    There are ways, through meditation to move sexual energy up the spine, filling up higher chakra's, lessening the intensity, and leaving you in a higher state of awareness.
    There are 3 traditions that I know of that use these practices, Tantra and Kundalini Yoga, and Taoists monks.
    I have a little article and website that goes into tantric practices (may contain triggers though, so be warned) and a book on tao sexual energy cultivation.

    There is plenty more on the internet and in books, but start here and otherwise google some stuff about sexual energy transmutation, through either tantra or kundalini yoga.
    Good luck!
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