Is porn addiction like global warming?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Cassian Andor, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. Cassian Andor

    Cassian Andor Fapstronaut

    People think that both of them are lies, though there's scientific evidence.
  2. Hello Friend

    Hello Friend Fapstronaut

    Seems like people don't care about solving these huge problems! I'm scared of the future.
  3. Global warming is not lies, but it is not man made. The planet naturally goes through cycles of warm periods followed by long ice ages, very much the same way as PMO addict goes through cycles of hot bingeing followed by months of cold abstinence.
  4. CS1

    CS1 Fapstronaut

    If nobody stop this evil the next 10 years 50% of men become a transwoman ..
    farmerjones and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Bucklord

    Bucklord Fapstronaut

    If you can believe that you'll believe anything.
  6. I'm not sure what do you mean? PMO addicts generally go though cycles, it's been scientifically proven.
  7. Our generation will pass... Let the future ones fend for themselves. I for one wouldn't be ashamed if we managed to wipe ourselves out in next 200 years or something... Call me apathetic or whatever... I have given up on mankind. Majority don't bother about these, so why bother at all.
    Hello Friend likes this.
  8. mankind just think it's super smart but ain't, that's about it... global warming is 100% man made, carbon fuel is the biggest cause. If you refuse to believe that you're just like the porn producer believing a little fun won't hurt no one.
    Everyone knows money makes the world go round. Unfortunately for silly mankind, the price it will have to pay won't be measurable in US dollars (if we keep this up).
    IR254, rafael33, Bucklord and 2 others like this.
  9. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    The planet naturally goes through cycles of warming up and cooling off but in the last 200 years we've exponentially sped up the process. That is a fact.
    rafael33 and Bucklord like this.
  10. Bucklord

    Bucklord Fapstronaut

    Its not up for debate any longer, humans have caused the warming we are now seeing. The rise in CO2 in our atmosphere goes hand in hand with our increased use of coal since the first industrial revolution. We've known about the GHG effect since the 1850s. Don't get me wrong it's been great, we've made insane strides economically, politically, and socially within the last century alone.

    It's the rate of warming that is key to understanding.. The rate (increase/time) we've seen does not occur in this manner in normal environmental conditions. Its taken catastrophic levels of activity to generate this kind of increase in such a shorter amounts of GEOLOGIC time. The last time we were at 410+ ppm, homo sapiens did not exist. We've raised the average global temperature by 1.4 degrees in 150 years. That's less than 3 lifetimes. These cycles you speak of have taken hundreds of thousands in the minimum. The last ice age, which was a relatively small one lasted for approximately 100,000 years.
    Really sit and think about that..
    IR254, Ranvanp and rafael33 like this.
  11. I hope your being sarcastic.
  12. rafael33

    rafael33 Fapstronaut

    Don’t give up hope. Here in Germany people are becoming very aware of global warming. In the elections this is subject No, 1. Especially young people will not vote a party which is denying global warming and the fact that it is man made.

    I have no idea if we already have reached the point of “out of control”, maybe a few years are left to make the change.

    I am admiring the optimism of those people who give birth to babies nowadays. Maybe it’s not optimism but complete illusion. There are already enough kids on planet earth. First we have to stop global warming. And there is no need to put it in relation to porn industry. The consequences of global warming will be dramatic for most people on planet earth .
    Ranvanp likes this.
  13. No, I am not. Earth goes through cycles. Ice age lasts about 100k years and warm period lasts about 10k years, then the new cold period follows, etc. I am not saying we humans are not contributing to the warming a little bit, but it is not the main reason; even without us temperature would just keep rising naturally anyways. Because we are on the coldest interglacial period yet (despite all the "man-made global warming"), so there is still a lot of room left for temperature to rise naturally.

    But we are also currently on the longest warm period yet; this interglacial period has so far lasted about 2000 years longer than normal. Which might mean that we are at the door front of new ice age. Or were, because if human contribution to global warming is more than I think then it might actually be actually a good thing, because we are preventing/postponing the beginning of a new glacial period.
  14. Ranvanp

    Ranvanp Fapstronaut

    At first I read this as 'pathetic' then I re-read it and saw there was a A.. involved.
    Imagine if throughout the history of our species that the views of those who were disenchanted held sway.
    We would still swinging through the trees.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Ranvanp

    Ranvanp Fapstronaut

    You are wrong. There are few things as bad as bad science but what you are saying is not science at all. At best it is conjecture at worst it is a wilful misinterpretation of a few random bits of information.
    Deleted Account, Bucklord and IR254 like this.