Journal 1

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Youssef-Hajjioui, May 11, 2018.

  1. Youssef-Hajjioui

    Youssef-Hajjioui Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, it's been a long time I haven't wrote back. Where did you guys thought I was ? Well as a lot of you may know I was depressed and you know why. It's because of the main reason we're all fapstraunots.

    As for me now, I decided to take things slow in my life, because I've come to realize that stress triggers me. And as many of us do; I decided to occupate myself, make a routine.

    Things are not going as planned in my life. I presumed it would be hard and possible to come to something valuable \(an achievement\), while I'm having this addiction besides. Moreover I though it's an easy thing to deal with. And that's when I underestimated my case.

    Today, while I was trying to withdraw some cash from an atm. A group of guys \(3\) came close and asked me if there is any strip clubs I know in the area. I decided to acknowledge the fact that I know some. Thinking if I showed them the way they can get, to the closer strip club in the area, it's a reflection of what I am, and what I do. Yet I don't want to be that person anymore.

    After I acknowledged knowing the info I asked them back where are they from ? The guys weren't from where I live so I was curious to know where do they come from. But when I asked I pushed my ego, thinking that I'm in a position of knowledge and they are not.

    I spent the way home thinking about this scenario; It's really harmful the way PMO affects our brain\(thinking, reflexes, reasoning...\). The guys just asked me for a place where they can go, and very fast I found the pleasure in considering myself superior because I know what they do not know, something I don't want myself to know.

    That's it for today. Bye "à la prochaine"