Le Au Revoir - (The Goodbye)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ovo.wolf, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. ovo.wolf

    ovo.wolf Fapstronaut

    Bit about myself
    • 22 Year Old University Student
    • Music Lover
    • YNWA
    My Why

    To become a person that keeps the promises they make to themselves.

    My trifles with porn started at twelve. At the time it was nothing more than an alluring curiosity of the forbidden. I tried to stop but I kept going back only to find shame and regret again and again. For 10 years now this pattern has become as familiar to me as the sun rise.

    Why I am starting this journey.
    I have not only wasted months if not years of my life, I have wasted countless opportunities in life, I have lost relationships, I have lived under a constant cloud, and as ashamed I as I am to admit it I have even blown $1000s of dollars because of my addiction. Yes $1000s - and no I don't have that kind of money to blow.

    Although it sucks to admit all this, I have to be honest - I have hit as low as I can go. My addiction has taken me places I never thought I'd be in life.

    A New Determination
    I can continue to wallow in the past and feel regret for all that was lost. Or I can create a new story in life that uses the pain of the past to create a story that inspires and liberates. This journey - I know will not be easy, but I'm fighting for my life now and I refuse to lay down.

    A New Hope
    I don't want to approach this with bitterness, regret or sadness. I'm looking forward to the challenges. The mountain top moments and well as the fights in the pits. I want to experience life. I am excited fam!

    Stay blessed.

    "It's over, It's over, I'm leaving, I'm gone,
    I've been doing this wrong,
    I've been here for too long,
    I'm leaving, I'm leaving,
    You know I got my reasons..."

    Now And Forever - Drake

    itornael, AndySky180 and yousuff like this.
  2. yousuff

    yousuff Fapstronaut

    Welcome @ovo.wolf.
    Your plan to recovery is fantastic. I hope you can stick to it.
    Good luck to your journey.
    ovo.wolf likes this.
  3. ovo.wolf

    ovo.wolf Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! :D Appreciate you taking the time out give out some encouragement - legend!

    I hope so too!
    yousuff and itornael like this.