Let's start

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by pierogi, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. pierogi

    pierogi Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,
    I decided to make an account and write a post because I'm frustrated of only thinking about changes without doing anything.
    I'm 22 and I'm afraid of life and I'm tired of endless fighting with addiction. Today I was thinking about suicide again. I'm afraid about saying about my thoughts to anyone, my friends or therapist because I'm so devoted to other's judgment. I want to cry. I feel lost.
    This is my first day of PMO free, tomorrow I'm going to job so I have to sleep.
    It was cleansing experience to write this.
    See you.
    ele7ven, RedHaired and oretna like this.
  2. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Good luck bud! Welcome to the forum!
  3. RedHaired

    RedHaired Fapstronaut

    Hey pal.
    I'm 22 too. Same bad situation; been thinking about suicide few times in this period. Don't worry. You're not alone and nobody will judge you here. If you want to talk a little bit in private, we can chat sometimes. Otherwise, if you want an advice, keep a log ;) it helps clearing out your mind and helps focusing on your target. Be strong! And don't worry to share here. I've written few things that I've never told anyone in real life and I can see that there are someone who understands me. My native language is not english, so forgive me for some mistakes.
  4. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Hey bud, stay strong!
  5. pierogi

    pierogi Fapstronaut

    Thank you guys for many responses and advices, unfortunately I'm going to sleep so I'll make a brief post.
    An exhausting and stressing week has passed without PMO. I'm touched and I have tears in my eyes.
    Today was very close to get a relapse. I was postponing my answer here and instead of it I started to browser IG. I used panic button, read an article about bad effects of porn and I restored my common sense for a while.
    I'm afraid of tomorrow's day. I'm afraid of many other things.
    See you.
    ele7ven likes this.