List of HardMode Benefits


I'm going to list a series of benefits from practicing HardMode, those are benefits that me and others doing the same have experienced. My streak was mental so it was also physical, I believe HardMode implies to the very least physical retention.

Hope this gives extra motivation to anyone attempting this

Here's the list:

- Eyesight improves drastically (I now have 20/20 emmetropic vision)
- Increased physical strength
- Decreased amount of sleeping hours (I went from 9 to 5)
- Increased memory
- Increased focus
- Increased mental awareness
- Increased sense of bliss
- Increased self-esteem
- Increased confidence
- Increased ability of dealing with lower emotions like fear, anger etc
- Increase in emotional quotient
- Increase in intelligence quotient
- Decrease in floaters
- Hair growth increased
- Ability to stare in front of screen for hours without sore eyes (I've done 18 hours in a row without problem, retention seems to improve retention of the eyes, whilst ejaculation leads to a sudden drop of eyesight, I have experienced this)
- Not seeing women as pleasure objects
- Improved learning abilities, you can grasp complex concepts in shorter amount of time.
- Less pimples
- Amount of hunger decreases

Hope you enjoy it i might add some more if some pop into my mind.
how about digestion and groin pain aswell? i wake up sick in the morning, but its probably also due to i eat alot of junk food and drink tons of soda.
I'm going to list a series of benefits from practicing HardMode, those are benefits that me and others doing the same have experienced. My streak was mental so it was also physical, I believe HardMode implies to the very least physical retention.

Hope this gives extra motivation to anyone attempting this

Here's the list:

- Eyesight improves drastically (I now have 20/20 emmetropic vision)
- Increased physical strength
- Decreased amount of sleeping hours (I went from 9 to 5)
- Increased memory
- Increased focus
- Increased mental awareness
- Increased sense of bliss
- Increased self-esteem
- Increased confidence
- Increased ability of dealing with lower emotions like fear, anger etc
- Increase in emotional quotient
- Increase in intelligence quotient
- Decrease in floaters
- Hair growth increased
- Ability to stare in front of screen for hours without sore eyes (I've done 18 hours in a row without problem, retention seems to improve retention of the eyes, whilst ejaculation leads to a sudden drop of eyesight, I have experienced this)
- Not seeing women as pleasure objects
- Improved learning abilities, you can grasp complex concepts in shorter amount of time.
- Less pimples
- Amount of hunger decreases

Hope you enjoy it i might add some more if some pop into my mind.

This is probably covered in many of the points you already mentioned but I have experienced a regain of masculine traits such as: wider face, clear and alert eyes, better facial hair growth, more lean muscles, more energy, more confident look, better facial skin, etc. When looking back at photos from age 29 and earlier (especially those from age 17-22), I really looked like an anxious beta-male simp compared to now.
Many times, I really don't believe it's the same person that's standing in front of the mirror today.
This is probably covered in many of the points you already mentioned but I have experienced a regain of masculine traits such as: wider face, clear and alert eyes, better facial hair growth, more lean muscles, more energy, more confident look, better facial skin, etc. When looking back at photos from age 29 and earlier (especially those from age 17-22), I really looked like an anxious beta-male simp compared to now.
Many times, I really don't believe it's the same person that's standing in front of the mirror today.

I started to get hair growth in my toes and in hands as well, on the lower finger zone, that's due to increased testosterone levels.

i dont personally consider hair growth a benefit because it has little to no use but i still mentioned it
Me too
how about digestion and groin pain aswell? i wake up sick in the morning, but its probably also due to i eat alot of junk food and drink tons of soda.
how about digestion and groin pain aswell? i wake up sick in the morning, but its probably also due to i eat alot of junk food and drink tons of soda.
In my third week I felt sick too and had a diarrhea
One of the first things I notice is a huge improvement in my hearing. Within 4 weeks of abstaining, I notice my hearing becomes far more acute, or I just notice a lot more sounds.
I learnt english by myself but never were able to understand fully when someone is talking but from my second week of semen abstination i understand a lot better i think my hearing improved too
I'm going to list a series of benefits from practicing HardMode, those are benefits that me and others doing the same have experienced. My streak was mental so it was also physical, I believe HardMode implies to the very least physical retention.

Hope this gives extra motivation to anyone attempting this

Here's the list:

- Eyesight improves drastically (I now have 20/20 emmetropic vision)
- Increased physical strength
- Decreased amount of sleeping hours (I went from 9 to 5)
- Increased memory
- Increased focus
- Increased mental awareness
- Increased sense of bliss
- Increased self-esteem
- Increased confidence
- Increased ability of dealing with lower emotions like fear, anger etc
- Increase in emotional quotient
- Increase in intelligence quotient
- Decrease in floaters
- Hair growth increased
- Ability to stare in front of screen for hours without sore eyes (I've done 18 hours in a row without problem, retention seems to improve retention of the eyes, whilst ejaculation leads to a sudden drop of eyesight, I have experienced this)
- Not seeing women as pleasure objects
- Improved learning abilities, you can grasp complex concepts in shorter amount of time.
- Less pimples
- Amount of hunger decreases

Hope you enjoy it i might add some more if some pop into my mind.
eye sight part is absolutely correct. i improved a lot too in my current streak. i am 20/20 in bright day time and slightly less in dusk but no need to wear corrective glasses. and ability to work in front of computer improved a lot too as eye strain is very less. i see little more vibrant colors as compared to my earlier self with pmo habit.
i think eye problems in the modern generations is direct result of excess masturbation, with most beautiful ladies on screen. i dont see any improvements in floaters though.
and i actually experienced that slightly worse eye sight 24-48 hours of an ejaculation. it took me 3 days to recover fully from relapse. simple solution is do not relapse.
I've never experienced drastically better vision but decrease of floaters happens always.
Hunger well, actually, i get my normal appetite back which means i eat more.
eye sight part is absolutely correct. i improved a lot too in my current streak. i am 20/20 in bright day time and slightly less in dusk but no need to wear corrective glasses. and ability to work in front of computer improved a lot too as eye strain is very less. i see little more vibrant colors as compared to my earlier self with pmo habit.
i think eye problems in the modern generations is direct result of excess masturbation, with most beautiful ladies on screen. i dont see any improvements in floaters though.
and i actually experienced that slightly worse eye sight 24-48 hours of an ejaculation. it took me 3 days to recover fully from relapse. simple solution is do not relapse.

Yes, ejeculation and eyesight are very correlated, when you ejaculate it's not uncommon to have a sudden drop of eyesight
Yes, ejeculation and eyesight are very correlated, when you ejaculate it's not uncommon to have a sudden drop of eyesight
Do you have any scientific evidence to back this up? I wear contacts daily and have generally had poor vision all my life. I am very curious about this! If you could link an article that would be much appreciated :D
Do you have any scientific evidence to back this up? I wear contacts daily and have generally had poor vision all my life. I am very curious about this! If you could link an article that would be much appreciated :D

try for yourself, why depend on scientific evidence. either you do a phd and have a research on it. but i would say modern medical science would never ever accept the fact that over sexual stimulation can actually weaken eye strength, or may be after 100 years they accept the fact.

how i improved my vision from -0.75 to 20/20
1) nofap
2) daily 2 hours of some kind of physical activity- including 1 hour of HIIT and weight lifting.
3) whenever i get time i stare at far away objects.

i started to feel strength in eyes 5 months back when i embarked on nofap journey- before that usual thing was tired and sore, irritated eyes with more than 1 hour of computer staring, looking at phone while lying on bed. immediately these things were gone after may be 10-15 days of 1st time of no PMO. i was amazed how tired my eyes used to feel. squinting is thing of past.
now i don't need to wear any glasses. only when light is less at dusk i feel little less eye sight, even at dusk i don't need to wear glasses.

now i say fuck medical science. this shit is a big lie. now i understand why older people used to say that too much time with women can make you blind.
medical science is a scam for me after my experience with nofap-
1- better eye sight
2- better hair
3- better immunity
4- more drive to do work
cons- too much hornyness at times, sexual craving.
and medical science fuckers say masturbation is fucking healthy. i mean they are pushing innocent teens into this rabbit hole of shit. sad! why would they tell people that don't masturbate - 1- it is taboo 2-if they tell cure to eye problems to people how they gonna sell glasses and contacts to people.
try for yourself, why depend on scientific evidence. either you do a phd and have a research on it. but i would say modern medical science would never ever accept the fact that over sexual stimulation can actually weaken eye strength, or may be after 100 years they accept the fact.

how i improved my vision from -0.75 to 20/20
1) nofap
2) daily 2 hours of some kind of physical activity- including 1 hour of HIIT and weight lifting.
3) whenever i get time i stare at far away objects.

i started to feel strength in eyes 5 months back when i embarked on nofap journey- before that usual thing was tired and sore, irritated eyes with more than 1 hour of computer staring, looking at phone while lying on bed. immediately these things were gone after may be 10-15 days of 1st time of no PMO. i was amazed how tired my eyes used to feel. squinting is thing of past.
now i don't need to wear any glasses. only when light is less at dusk i feel little less eye sight, even at dusk i don't need to wear glasses.

now i say fuck medical science. this shit is a big lie. now i understand why older people used to say that too much time with women can make you blind.
medical science is a scam for me after my experience with nofap-
1- better eye sight
2- better hair
3- better immunity
4- more drive to do work
cons- too much hornyness at times, sexual craving.
and medical science fuckers say masturbation is fucking healthy. i mean they are pushing innocent teens into this rabbit hole of shit. sad! why would they tell people that don't masturbate - 1- it is taboo 2-if they tell cure to eye problems to people how they gonna sell glasses and contacts to people.
I also have a hard time buying into things that medical science and big pharma push your way. they usually do things in order to make more money. Your theory sounds logical, and I guess the only way to see for myself is through trial and error. It does sound a bit crazy to say that frequent ejaculation will make your eyesight SIGNIFICANTLY worse, although I'm not rejecting the idea at face value. I'll try it out myself and see if it helps :) Thank you!
It does sound a bit crazy to say that frequent ejaculation will make your eyesight SIGNIFICANTLY worse

EXACTLY i fapped my whole life thinking the same. as soon as i thought that my eye sight feels weak due to daily once or twice fapping i checked internet where doctors say its healthy to masturbate. i relaxed and fapped once again. but this thing is as scandalous as in past people thought that earth is flat or rains are fury of gods because there was not enough of science then to establish the relation. and if anyone said there is no god and rains are because of heat and condensation, he was publicly hanged for being blasphemous and heretical.
even now if someone say that masturbation weaken eye sight people dismiss him by calling him stupid. because its too comfortable to think that fapping is not remotely related to eye sight and keep on masturbating, because it is most joyous thing to do.

why on 1600-1700 or even in 20th century there were no young people with glasses. because there was no porn and nobody had luxury of such a huge load of beautiful sexy women. now even the biggest of the looser get a cell phone or computer and put on glasses and keep on jerking off.
stay away from porn and masturbation and your eye sight comes to 20/20 within couple of years or may be 5 years (it is very very slow process to fill "vitreous humour" in eye again after years of loss)
EXACTLY i fapped my whole life thinking the same. as soon as i thought that my eye sight feels weak due to daily once or twice fapping i checked internet where doctors say its healthy to masturbate. i relaxed and fapped once again. but this thing is as scandalous as in past people thought that earth is flat or rains are fury of gods because there was not enough of science then to establish the relation. and if anyone said there is no god and rains are because of heat and condensation, he was publicly hanged for being blasphemous and heretical.
even now if someone say that masturbation weaken eye sight people dismiss him by calling him stupid. because its too comfortable to think that fapping is not remotely related to eye sight and keep on masturbating, because it is most joyous thing to do.

why on 1600-1700 or even in 20th century there were no young people with glasses. because there was no porn and nobody had luxury of such a huge load of beautiful sexy women. now even the biggest of the looser get a cell phone or computer and put on glasses and keep on jerking off.
stay away from porn and masturbation and your eye sight comes to 20/20 within couple of years or may be 5 years (it is very very slow process to fill "vitreous humour" in eye again after years of loss)

The correlation between eyesight and ejaculation cannot be ignored, my screen resilience has drastically improved, I can stare for 12 hours a screen no problem, i had some myopia now it's entirely gone, I've seen countless other reports about this. Another reason to abstain from anything sexual, your eyesight will drastically decline

Bear in mind though I have had perfect mental celibacy for over 1 year, so my results, I don't think they are that typical nowadays, but just physical abstention should do a great deal to the eyes.

I've seen perfect celibates and they have very lustruous eyes, the semen is the fuel for the eyes, if you waste it, you will waste your eyesight guaranteed, your eyes will weaken, you will need eyeglasses which will worst the situation further.