Lost my streak, what now?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by interpaul, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. interpaul

    interpaul Fapstronaut

    So I had a no PMO streak since May that ended tonight. I found a new path with semen retention and sexual transmutation. I had read a number of Mantak Chia's books and was deeply into his practices hoping they would give me a new focus for this sexual energy. I've been experiencing late night non ejaculatory pleasure feelings that essentially replaced my sexual experience. Tonight the pleasure built and I sensed it was going to spill over into an ejaculation so I did the practices I'd learned to draw the energy up but this just spoiled the moment and I ultimately wasn't able to hold the ejaculation back loosing my 3+ week streak of semen retention. Feeling bummed as I don't feel as optimistic about getting past this cycle. After about 3 weeks I start having semen leak out after I urinate and this is the 4th time over the last few months I've ejaculated without PMO. Anyone have any advice on how to figure out how to move forward. I did give in to PMO as a chaser afterwards and I didn't enjoy it at all. Feel sort of stuck having failed at my most successful alternative strategy to PMO in my life.
  2. Can you get past that 3 weeks without any stimulation? Or is the problem more about wanting to master that retention skill? Anyways, masturbating in one way or another in the early phase of the streak puts it to jeopardy.

    Also, what books have you read from Mantak Chia, and could you give brief overview of their content? I've somewhat recently found him, and i would like to read some of his works. Multi-orgasmic man is on my list, although i might want to get 90 days of noPMO before i read it.
  3. interpaul

    interpaul Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your comments. With Semen retention I can't seem to get past 3 weeks without my body expressing it even without any direct stimulation. I do admit my desire grows and I do become more aware of beautiful women around me and that may contribute to a desire for release. I am troubled by where this is going. 3 weeks in I realize there are benefits to not releasing but I become more focused on wanting some resolution. The taoist practices don't resolve the building tension, although they do give a temporary outlet. Mantak Chia claims the real benefits start after 4 weeks. Since my body physically wants to release, and I used the practices to try to retain my semen, and failed, it was very demoralizing. It didn't feel good to try to hold off the natural release. Seeing semen leak out after peeing, without doing anything on my part makes me wonder if this is even a healthy practice. I'm not sure I can recommend the books at present given my struggles.
  4. Qujing Shen

    Qujing Shen Fapstronaut

    The sexual kung fu practices are almost certainly healthier than regular ejaculation if you do them correctly. Look at Chia - he looks great for his age.

    Get proper training. Reading a book or two probably isn't good enough.

    Search "Raw Tantra" on google and you'll find a sexual kung fu practitioner who was trained by Chia. He has a course you can subscribe to for $20 a month.
  5. interpaul

    interpaul Fapstronaut

    Yes, I've been trying to find a teacher in my area. I met one who trained with Mantak Chia and he wasn't as keen on these practices. I did locate another more knowlegable teacher who is hard to see but will meet with him in November. I will check on this Raw Tantra.
    My biggest frustration, separate from what I reported, is these practices seem to push against natural tendencies. My limited understanding of Taoism, which mostly comes from reading the Tao Te Ching, would suggest forcing energy from leaving the body is contrary to the Tao. Doing a power lock or big draw when I feel the energy trying to leave the body feels wrong.
  6. Qujing Shen

    Qujing Shen Fapstronaut

    I definitely agree that the contemporary Taoist sex teachings seem at odds with Tao te ching. But it's hard to say for sure. I'm relatively new to a lot of this stuff so there's a lot of exploring to do.