Many things feel forced

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by SDJR, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. SDJR

    SDJR Fapstronaut

    I'm a bit down lately compared to how I used to feel in life.
    I used to love reading.. I still do it but it feels forced..same goes with lifting weights..I'll have a beer with a friend (something I used to love so much) and now it feels like I'm just looking forward to going home.
    All I seem to be comfortable doing is scrolling on my phone. I don't watch tv, or movies.
    The things I used to enjoy have really been elluding me lately.
    Other than, say, petting a dog or something of that nature I find it difficult to get joy out of things lately..
    DeonisGood and TheLightOne like this.
  2. littlecomet

    littlecomet Fapstronaut

    I've been feeling the same lately. I've been wanting to read more but every day my free time is just spent mindlessly scrolling. Shit is hard man. At least we are in this together.
    RightPath and SDJR like this.
  3. SDJR

    SDJR Fapstronaut

    Fuck like I didn't even want to post that lol. I just want to be excited about something..
    My dad is retired and gets excited about playing golf. He just enjoys his life..
  4. littlecomet

    littlecomet Fapstronaut

    It'll get better with time, man. Peaks and valleys. We're both just low right now.
    SDJR likes this.
  5. PeacocksTale

    PeacocksTale Fapstronaut

    It usually just takes a strong push. Look into a dopamine detox brother, lock yourself away for a while and when you return it'll be a whole new way to see the world
    littlecomet and SDJR like this.
  6. SDJR

    SDJR Fapstronaut

    Yeah I've cooled off on a lot of things.
    My day counter is accurate. Haven't had an o since then ... And unfortunately don't really miss it.
    Feel like I'm constantly having to .. psych myself up for every thing?
    I just don't feel Alive lately
  7. Could be a flatline, maybe? If so that’s actually a good and normal thing in the process. I had mine for quite a while and eventually that sparked returned but I felt cleansed from a lot of the addiction energy I had.

    Another thing you can look at is if you’re getting enough sunshine. I was feeling super depressed in London and then flew to Brazil and bam I’m happy and energetic again. Could be something else to look into.

    Otherwise, keep at your practices, your future self will thank you.
    PeacocksTale likes this.
  8. SDJR

    SDJR Fapstronaut


    That is true. Good weather always helps
    TheLightOne likes this.
  9. RightPath

    RightPath Fapstronaut

    I'm on the same day as you and I feel very similar.

    I think this is good ol' depression...

    It's a lack of motivation in doing anything. It's related to not having enough dopamine in our brain.

    Best to put the phone down, go pet the dog, and go for a walk.

    But it's so easy to say this. So hard to do it.
    SDJR likes this.
  10. SDJR

    SDJR Fapstronaut


    Last week or so has been a bit better. Have enjoyed training more. Nofap really does help with things. Although I don't necessarily have more energy, I feel more normal. Less exhausted. Easier to wake up in the morning. Hit some new personal bests with the weights. Actually had a cold beer today and enjoyed the drink. Didn't just make me want to go home... Some progress is better then none. Day by day
    RightPath and BruceWayne123 like this.
  11. DeonisGood

    DeonisGood New Fapstronaut
