Music : My anti-drug

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by spike1899, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. spike1899

    spike1899 Fapstronaut

    Since I was a young kid, I've always listened to music. It's been a huge staple in my life when it comes to many different things: stress, depression, centering myself, etc. I personally believe music can be a very powerful anti-drug for not only myself, but for many other people. Hence why I decided to make this post dedicated to music in general. So I'm going to share some of what I listen to and inquire what everyone else likes to listen to.

    Here's what I'm listening to right now. I feel like I should've been a child of the 40's, because I have a real soft spot for anything noir. Heck I like to don a fedora and trench coat with business casual attire every so often and imagine my own little monologue.
  2. jazzphanatic

    jazzphanatic Fapstronaut

    As an extreme music lover myself, this post definitely caught my attention. Nice chill song man. What's your favorite genre and music artist?
  3. bandanana

    bandanana Fapstronaut

    You're a Newgrounds dude!!! I visit that site a lot for the animations (And not for the wrong reasons. Well, not anymore). Do you have a user there?

    Also, I'm a huge fan of post-rock. It's basically instrumental rock with emphasis on atmospheric sounds. Think shoegazing-genre without vocals.