My awful addiction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ratman, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Ratman

    Ratman New Fapstronaut

    Hi all

    I am so glad after a day of reading I have finally come across this site, I am completely desperate and feel this may offer me some hope.

    I am now 27 and to be honest have had an addiction to porn since the age of about 19. I have been in complete denial this whole time and it's almost become as routine as going to the toilet and eating. I have a great life, great girlfriend, I am actually very successful in the sporting world and in business but this problem is now really making me depressed and starting to ruin things.

    It started off masturbating over normal porn and has escalate through different types of porn, however now I can only seem to get off on trangender porn. Infact the problem has got so bad I have needed to become more and more extreme to get an orgasm and recently I have actually acted on this trangender porn and met with some trangender girls for sexual experiences. Every time the experience is finish I feel completely disgusted with myself, sick, and depressed. I have zero attraction to men, I love women and found them really attractive but the addiction has become so out of hand my brain wont function how it used to anymore.

    My recent experience with a transgender girl has left me desperate, I really genuinely am disgusted by it, as if I have sex with a women I feel great after and it feels completely natural.

    I have to break to transgender addiction chain and reset my brain back to the way it used to think and I really am desperate, at the moment I can barely go a day without. one second I will be adamant i never do it again, the next i'm wondering to a computer almost in a trance, or even looking for escorts. If i'm not horny i actually find the site and thought of a transgender girl repulsive

    Today I'm attempting to start the nofap challenge but I would really really like some input on any similar stories and some support

    Thanks guys
  2. jbanth77

    jbanth77 Fapstronaut

    Welcome! There are a lot of great stories and helpful advice here. Check out the posts by Mark, one of the Super Moderators of this site, and you're sure to get a lot of inspiration and insight.
  3. Ronin

    Ronin Fapstronaut

    I am pretty f***ed too - not sure if in the same situation as you though, but if it's any help, I'll share my experience with you.

    I am 21, student, and masturbated since I was 16. What was bad is that my "debute" was very strange.
    Initially I was rubbing my penis against stuff to get an orgasm while thinking about girls. It's bad because my lower back started aching because of that. I eventually quit that habit, but I still do it by hand... I have a couple of weird fetish porn crap that keeps plaguing me(I don't watch conventional porn) but that is also what makes it worse for me than the average person, because just a couple of youtube videos or other random clips could be enough to trigger me to masturbate.

    This really made me ask myself - "is this really what represents you? What will you do in case you actually get down with a girl?"

    I say keep for advice - from what I saw there are a good bunch of people on this website.
    We will beat this together.

    ~ Hunter