My boyfriend likes transwomen - does that make him gay?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by noonoon, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Matrix Intel likes this.
  2. "It makes me wonder if he's gay or bisexual and it also makes me wonder if he imagines me with a penis while were having sex. And i know that sounds funny, but it's really really bothering me. I also had the thought that he might leave me for a transgendered person someday. LOL. " LOL
  3. Trying to work out someones sexuality only by the type of pornography they view is like trying to work out how many people who watch football on TV are real footballers. I'm a straight guy but when it came down to pornography there was nothing I wouldn't watch in the end. So that makes me a
    lesbian transvestite milf loving paedophile who likes black asian latino blonde haired brown haired dildo wearing animal lovers.
    ..and that was just the first hour! If I had a girlfriend she would be so confused she would start to question her own existence on this planet, as I have done many times. I'm surprised that none of the people in that post came to the conclusion 'hey maybe my partner has a problem with porn'
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
    Hopefulgirl and Matrix Intel like this.
  4. Pmo is in the past

    Pmo is in the past Fapstronaut

    It is.He likes guys that looks and dresses like a girl.He likes traps.
  5. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I looked at porn on and off for 20 years and I never once got turned on by a dick. I looked at 90% solo girl, the rest lesbian if there was a girl I particularly liked. For the past 3-4 years it was exclusively solo.

    I'm not saying anything bad about all the guys who chased porn down the rabbit hole, but I admit I have a hard time understanding it. I find this new frontier of sexuality... peculiar. I truly hope that there is a way back for all those who go down that road.

    Definitely another reason to do everything I can to keep my kids away from it. My mind was warped enough by regular porn, I can't imagine what all this sissy-hypno-transgendered person stuff does to you.
    Hopefulgirl and Matrix Intel like this.
  6. That's just it. Society has brainwashed people to accept their sexuality, even if they don't feel 'right' about it. I'm not talking about those who are born gay, but those that are confused and don't feel right about it. When in reality, it's the porn programming them to behave and think a certain way. Make no mistake, they weren't born with it like 'true' gay people are. The mind is very, very much like a computer, but much more complex. It's all programming, just like how society programs over sexualization. Can't believe they couldn't see this.
    thorswrath32, Spiff and Hopefulgirl like this.
  7. What you say is true and backed up by more recent studies in how the brain reacts to endless varieties of content. There is a notable and measurable effect on the brain much like drug addiction, the effect is even more severe for adolescents or children who take their social and intimacy cues from the hardcore pornography they are exposed to. These days we are moving further away from the moral or religious anti porn rhetoric and more towards the scientific evidence based approach, both have their merits but for those who are athiest or agnostic, they may be swayed by the results from studies using impirical and anecdotal evidence. I can honestly say that I only really discovered my true sexuality once I stopped watching porn and thinking more along the lines of relationships, companionships, the difference between right and wrong and how I can learn to respect my own sexual powers and not abuse them for greed or personal gain.
  8. im just glad i'm way over the hill and the net didn't even start till my 20s.... i would have been a complete write-off.....
    Matrix Intel likes this.