Hello, everyone. First of all, sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
This is not my first try to quit the addiction to porn. I have tried to quit several times, but longest I was able to go without relapse is 1 week. I decided that maybe joining this community will help me quit for good.
Short info about me: I am 24 years old, never had a relationship, had sex only once (with a prostitute, and I was very drunk). I started masturbating when I was around 14 years old. At the moment my porn addiction is getting out of control. Around 2 years ago I found first PMV (Porn Music Video) and later HMV (Hentai Music Video), and since then became highly addicted to this sort of videos. Lated I started to edit and share this kind of videos.
I dont know what else I should write. I just feel sick and tired of myself. Now I deleted all porn I have downloaded. However, as I said I've done so before, and didnt last for long. I just hope this time will be different
This is not my first try to quit the addiction to porn. I have tried to quit several times, but longest I was able to go without relapse is 1 week. I decided that maybe joining this community will help me quit for good.
Short info about me: I am 24 years old, never had a relationship, had sex only once (with a prostitute, and I was very drunk). I started masturbating when I was around 14 years old. At the moment my porn addiction is getting out of control. Around 2 years ago I found first PMV (Porn Music Video) and later HMV (Hentai Music Video), and since then became highly addicted to this sort of videos. Lated I started to edit and share this kind of videos.
I dont know what else I should write. I just feel sick and tired of myself. Now I deleted all porn I have downloaded. However, as I said I've done so before, and didnt last for long. I just hope this time will be different