My lost potential.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Alexander8, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. Alexander8

    Alexander8 New Fapstronaut

    Hi, my name is Alexander I am 33.

    I was born with good genes. I always was resistant. Strong. Physically attractive. During my childhood, I was shining like the sun. I had big dreams and I knew I could conquer them. I felt nothing was impossible and I loved life. I was optimistic and could not wait to grow up.

    Two things destroyed me.

    The first is junk food. My adoptive parents owned a bakery, I grow up eating sweets, sodas, chocolate and bread. Without limit. I drank and ate astronomical quantities of junk processed food. I never drank any water before the age of 23. Why drink water when you can drink Coke, Dr Pepper, Sprite ? My adoptive parents, both overweight, never saw any problem with that.

    The second is masturbation. Starting from the age of 11. Every day. Most often 2-3 times a day until the age of 25. My sexual appetite was like a bomb. All that energy could have helped me to grow much stronger physically. But it was all wasted.

    Because of these awful parameters, my whole puberty, which is an extremely important stage in life, was a failure.

    At 15, I became a dark, introvert and anxious individual. I had a severe case of acne and other skin problems. I still managed to practice sport at high level. My metabolism which was always fast and strong was already overwhelmed by my lifestyle.

    Past 20, my father used to say I looked like an old person. I had terrible joint pain. I couldn't drive long distances because of the pain in my knees. My teeth were crumbling apart pieces after piece. My once beautiful hairs started to fall because of never ending dermatological problems. I stopped sport. I had no envy, and lacked will force not only for sport but for prettt much everything.

    At 23, thanks to the internet, I started to understand the root cause of my problems. I made radical diet changes and my situation improved within two weeks. Over a short period of time my skin healed. My joints stopped to hurt. My body was releaved. It took only two weeks.

    Since then, I started my revolution, and never ate or drank any kind of processed food again. It was about time. A few years more and I'm convinced I would have died prematurely. Actually, it makes no doubt.

    At 25, year 2010, I started to understand the masturbation phenomenon. I slowed down the rate to 3-4 per week.

    At 26, I started to feel kidney pain and understood it was related to masturbation. It was like if my whole sex capital was arriving to an end. I slowed down again.

    While I stopped cigarettes and drugs relatively easily, I find stopping masturbation to be much more difficult. Especially since I was married.

    At 30, I started to have heart problems such as chest pain. These symptoms are directly linked to low adrenals and masturbation.

    I started to look seriously into NoFap which gained popularity on the internet.

    Interesting anecdote, as I once was involved in a fight, soon after it was over I literally felt on the floor because of kidney pain. My body delivered adrenaline to face the stress and it hurted me. This revealed the deep exhaustion of my system.

    I still ejaculate 5 times a month. My longest streak was 30 days.

    Now I need to stop.

    Over the last few years of slowing down masturbation, my body started to reboot intermittently. The work has started. But it truely is a roller coaster. Some day I feel like steel. And a few days later like cotton. I feel my body is in search of balance and harmony.

    Things that helped me greatly apart of the diet, which is the central piece, is fasting and sun exposure.

    Now lately, I've been unable to sleep on my left side as I feel my heart is not strong enough.

    The so called "modern" lifestyle, the ignorance of my parents, destroyed me. I lost my potential. The true meaning of life. Which is made to be lived in full force, joy and exhuberance.

    The body is made to adapt and survive, therefore will always strive and push on the right way when put in the right conditions. It definitely has wonderful regenerative capabilities.
    But I am afraid epigenetics are just as real. And the downward path have a name, it's called dysgenism.

    I have two kids. They are still a bit young. But I suspect that they inherited the "imperfect" version of myself. As I don't find them as strong as I was. And this hurt even more. To think that my life corrupted them too.

    I've read somewhere than DNA have some sort of survival mechanism in order to protect its most sensitive code. Necessary to good heredity. But I am not an expert. And this is probably complicated even for experts.

    The wisdom of our bodies and of nature will make the right choices. When they can.

    If you want to survive this era of degeneracy, you will have to take radical actions. Or you will die in the same flow of degeneracy, you and your descendants.

    Thank you for reading. Sorry for English mistakes.
    Good luck.

    Photo : Hermès, giver of grace, guide, giver of good things.

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    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
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