Need perspective

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by ASHAM, May 13, 2020.

  1. ASHAM

    ASHAM Fapstronaut

    Hello all,

    I'm writing this message to kind of vent and attain some moral support. I am a 29 y/o make currently working in new York as an army nurse. I haven't used pmo or masturbated in 10 days, I've also during this time stopped using videogames and smoking. I have witnessed first hand how sexual desire can fuck up your life. For me my cycle was porn-masturbation-infidelity-pending divorce. I've been using porns around age 14. I have decided if I have any hope of salvaging my marriage or failing that having a good shot at another relationship I need to control the addictions in my life. It is hard, but I feel as someone who is almost 30 y/o if I don't get my shit together I'm lost. I want to beat this so bad, all of the addictions at once are eating at me, and I ask myself how much of me is real? How much is just a mindless creature that wants to consume? I know down to my soul I can do this. I've been listening to redfrost motivation on YouTube and that helps. My withdrawal symptoms are getting a bit stronger 6/10 I had a super vivid sexual dream the other night. I just could benefit from advice, I admire all of you for fighting truly.
    moonesque and Zeezee like this.
  2. Gambler Kaiji

    Gambler Kaiji Fapstronaut

    Don’t feed the little monster that’s hungry for those addictive behaviors, starve it out.
    The more you give in to it the harder the journey becomes.
    The good and bad come in waves, if you’re willing to last out the tough times you’ll see there’s always a better day around the corner.
    Make sure you’re proactively replacing addictive behaviors with new activities. If you acted or did these things at certain times or circumstances, even if you aren’t aware of it the mind subconsciously Remembers these instances and will inevitably call out for the old habits to be enacted once more. When that occurs you can endure them through or more effectively endure and replace. Do something you’ve wanted to do but haven’t been doing because of PMO. Read, write, exercise, learn a instrument, Or a language. Take advantage of the second wind you get from retaining and advance yourself further.
    Research the benefits of quitting. The more you educate yourself on the positives of staying clean and the negatives of giving in, the easier it becomes for the logical mind to win over the base urges and established reward centers.
    Don’t hang on to the past you’re trying to move away from. If you’ve got paraphernalia associated with your addiction that you’re still hanging onto; Toss it, delete it, no longer place any significant value on it and move passed it. Don’t overthink your decision to quit. Do so righteously and decisively with no regrets.
    The rest comes with time. The longer you stay off addiction no matter how much it hurts or how many new sensations you experience the easier it becomes to say no the them as time goes on.
    n0xyz likes this.
  3. grosdernier

    grosdernier Fapstronaut

    Hey ASHAM. To be honest, I don't really understand the full circumstances of your life for the time being. I only reply with my limited knowledge of real life. I'm younger than you. Regardless, we're on the same journey. The thing about addiction is that you don't wanna make a move unless it's for the sake of the deep hole of addiction. You won't make any move unless it's directing you near the hole. I have no specific strategy myself. Really, it is. My strategies are improvised over time, some work, some don't. But one thing I know is that, when you feel that the monsters you have starting to have control over you, Move your body. I'm not kidding. Just move your body. Move it. Move it when you can. I assume you know the comedian Chris Tucker. Lately I'm watching his videos in Youtube. I have no solution for you (even for myself), but I think it's harmless if you try to move your body when you feel at the edge. Move it like Chris Tucker. I know I sound silly, because I'm no motivational speaker. Hell even I can't motivate myself sometimes. But to me, motivation isn't everything. The number one thing I know is that when you move, you make a difference. Move your leg. Move your hip. I don't know, it's up to you which part you want to move. Because when you move what you can, even if it's easy and silly, slowly, you'll get the sense of satisfaction. Because you do something other than the PMO. It's a good feeling. Satisfaction from the simple things! Hell, just dance if you want! Good luck there.
    n0xyz likes this.
  4. ASHAM

    ASHAM Fapstronaut

    Thank you both, I needed this today :)
  5. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    A strong man can be destroyed but never defeated.
    Ask your wife to give you some time to heal.
    Explain to her that you have childhood shit you need to resolve and that will take some time.
    Exercise everyday.
    Meditate everyday ( if you can't Meditate, breathwork should be enough)
    Write down your emotions and your thoughts on paper/ everyday.
    Love yourself unconditionally.
    It is not your fault. It is your brain uncalibrated wreaking havoc in your life. Calibrate.
    One day at a time.
    Focus on the 24 hours ahead.
    If you relapse , take notice of your emotional triggers and try again.
    Know yourself and you will win every battle.
  6. If this was the last week of life on earth, would you care about x?
    I’ve been asking myself that lately to get rid of stuff I’ve collected or hang onto for so long. The question has proven useful in a lot of other contexts I am finding.....who knows, it might help you in a moment of indecision about something.
  7. ASHAM

    ASHAM Fapstronaut

    So it's day 15, the cravings come in spurts but when they do they are definitely strong. I've been meditating and focusing on my work that helps alot. One thing I've noticed is my thoughts become randomly hypersexual and I find myself paying more attention too girls around me, does anyone have any experience with this? Does it last forever?
  8. ASHAM

    ASHAM Fapstronaut

    Thank you that's a good point
  9. ASHAM

    ASHAM Fapstronaut

    I really relate to this taking care of critically ill patients. The Bronx is a bitch right now
  10. moonesque

    moonesque Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I really like all the posts in this thread and I think they are good advice for you to try and see how they work out for you.

    But this question is a question that really only you can answer. If you can admit that you are an addict, that porn is a problem and a change in your lifestyle is the only thing that can stop it, I think you can answer that.

    Admitting and really understanding that I am an addict gave me a real gift, which was humility. Not that I was worse than others or I should wallow in my negativity but that everything in life was something I could approach and say "what can I learn here and what is holding me back from learning?". I used to turn my nose up at everything, but through making good habits that actually work for myself things can change.

    Maybe that can help you by saying, "what about me is real?" and then really taking a look at yourself and testing that out and seeing the results, like people have mentioned, journal when things are hard. Put together why you feel a certain way, what triggers you, when do you feel stressed and what you can do about it. Doing things differently and realizing you are doing different will help every day. Figuring these things out is a personal challenge for everyone of us and its an experiment, but its your life and who you are, the addiction that we've thought was us for so long is not us deep down. It sounds like you're trying to really get things together and I hope this can help at least somewhat.
  11. ASHAM

    ASHAM Fapstronaut

    Day 16, almost came undone today. Very emotional, tons of triggers. I had a dream about an X I really want to call her, but I was the one who left the relationship because it was so negative. Quitting smoking, video games, and porn all at once is so fucking hard. My hands were shaking and my heart was beating out of my chest. I guess I just don't want to be lonely anymore .
  12. ASHAM

    ASHAM Fapstronaut

    Day 0, smoked and masturbated at around 1000 last night. Cried like a babe before this happened called the chaplain had him pray for me I guess it's not going to be as easy as I thought. I refuse to bing. Got to get right back on the horse. Made a call to a therapist going to get set up I really need to beat this going to start a journal. Bty does all of your progress reset with a relapse?