need your expierience!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Freiheit, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. Freiheit

    Freiheit Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. I am not an native english speaker. I hope i can express it the right way.

    I need your expierience on quitting masturbation forever. I was a smoker for years and I stopped it. Today I never ever would smoke again. I don`t even think of it. The same expierienced with drinking alcohol. I stay completley clean of it. Don`t feel the wish to drink. It vanished completly. Is that possible wiht mastrubation? I am afraid that it is not, because sexuality is a natural urge? Alcohol and cigarettes aren`t? Am I wrong?

    Whats your expierience? THose who manag to not masturbate. Is it a ongoing fight or are you free of thoughts?

    Bman101 likes this.
  2. Sexual needs are natural, but pornography not. Why do you want to stop that behavior?
    Bman101 likes this.
  3. omni_enforcer

    omni_enforcer Fapstronaut

    I suggest that you examine the true factor behind your arousal: are you turned on by the concept of some fetishes and parts of naked body, or are you turned on by that person as a whole. Sadly, pornography can't provide the latter, which is love not lust.
    Bman101 likes this.
  4. Bman101

    Bman101 Fapstronaut

    I'm sure that we were not built to derive sexual pleasure from watching pixels on a screen so you could say that masturbating at pornography is indeed not normal. So if you are using porn to masturbate then maybe refraining from viewing it for 2-3 weeks, will help you see if you are addicted to masturbation or to porn. I mean that's what I would do.
    Freiheit likes this.
  5. Sex is natural. Masturbation and pron are not. List down the reasons why you want to quit. Remind yourself everyday that pmo is nothing but an ILLUSION. Remind yourself that they are just images, nothing more,everyday. And don't forget to change yourself and improve yourself in any way you can. You can do this. We're all gonna make it
    Freiheit likes this.
  6. Freiheit

    Freiheit Fapstronaut

    I don`t say it is natural. But Porn stimulates that natural urge. My question basically is. How does it feel to be free from it: Is it a ongoing fight or are you free of thoughts of P an M? (to those who are free)
  7. Bman101

    Bman101 Fapstronaut

    I don't get the urge to fap to porn anymore. It ruined my life way too much. I get the constant desire to have a special person in my life, that's all. Yet I must admit that during my first attempt, fapping was constantly on my mind and I had to fight with it almost daily but after a certain amount of time they tend to fade until, in my case, they become inexistent.
    Bluespace123, Reverent and Freiheit like this.
  8. Salada

    Salada Fapstronaut

    Hi bro it is.just like.a.drug addiction. I think it sets off.the.same.receptors on the braine.

    I haveA virtually finished MO . I personally think a couple of things will.diminish MO. 1) age and libido 2) sexual.relationships 3) stress and tiredness. 4)/keeping so.busy and lacking privacy.
    Freiheit likes this.
  9. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    I like most, started Masturbation at age 11. It stuck with me for 30yrs. I have now been free from it for over a year. It was such an ingrained ritual in my life I never thought I could ever function without it. I often referred to it as my old friend, the one loyal and constant companion I kept in all my life's turmoil.

    When I was sad he was there, when I was lonely he was there, if I was angry he soothed. If I had resentment he served ME. Times of stress he was there. If I had pain, I'd go to him. If I was bored he was someone to play with. Etc., Etc.

    I have since killed and buried this old friend. Many days I hated him anyway. I grieved and mourned his passing. I now accept he is gone, and won't be coming back. Sure times I miss him, but I realize that part of my life is now over, I move forward not trying to cling to the past. It serves no good. The "glory days" are over.

    After stopping the compulsion to M, I had to work very hard at controlling my thoughts and fantasies. This is where it all starts anyway. After I got a handle on controlling these, desire for M never came.

    To answer your question: NO it is certainly not an ongoing fight. I hear in my head these words "No I don't do that." Followed by a resolve. The longer you stay away from PMO the more clarity you should get.

    You have to be willing to truly let M die, not merely a breakup, if you want him out of your life.

    I used to say there are only 2 types of men, those who admit they mastuturbate and those who don't.

    I now resolutely eat those words, because I for one DON'T.
    Lukas to be happy and Bman101 like this.
  10. fireblaster

    fireblaster Fapstronaut

    Freiheit likes this.
  11. Freiheit

    Freiheit Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for your answer. This helps me a lot. So I guess it is possible to stop and stay without M without an ongoing fight. You said the start is to control the thoughts. Do you have any suggestions to follow? Thanks a lot!
    Reverent likes this.
  12. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    I struggled a lot at first in a me vs my thoughts constant battle. It tore me apart and created shame, when I'd lose.

    At some point I realized I am in control of my thoughts so I just steered them as they wildly attacked.

    I wrote a bit about it here in my journal day 117. Basically since I couldn't always control the triggers, fighting them off was always a source of inner tension, when they come I acknowledge them and let them play out in a non sexual conclusion. They are my fantasies, so ultimately I am in control anyway, why not conclude them benign. Not every impure thought must end in self destruction and regret.

    There are other techniques I use too, like daily meditation, filling my mind with goodness, service, practicing empathy, doing something creative etc.

    Hope this helps. Best of luck.