New (again)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TheHound, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. TheHound

    TheHound Fapstronaut

    Tried this once a few years back but it a short lived. Needless to say I'm still masturbating too much and watching porn too much. I haven't had a gf or sex in three years roughly. Mostly because I can't get erect without watching extreme porn. I regularly get some slight testicle pain especially after masturbating but tonight I had sharp stabbing pain in my left testicle after a session and it's a bit achey a few hours later especially if I touch it. Going to give it a day and then go see a doc. It might sound ridiculous but I've massaged a bit of olive oil on my shaft and balls since this has helped before. Olive oil has great anti inflammatory properties.

    Anyway it's 5 a.m. And Ive been really frustrated with my over masturbation problem for a long time so now seems like a good time to quit given my pain. But pain aside it really does affect my mental health. After I'm done a session for years now I just feel like such a piece of garbage loser because I can't control this addiction to PMO. Especially after my last girlfriend who I couldn't even keep an erection with. I don't even get genuinely excited about anything anymore be it sexually or otherwise. This along with a whole host of other symptoms that I'm pretty sure are from to much PMO. I usually sesh at least once a day but when I do find the strength to stop for maybe one or two days I feel absolutely amazing. I really think my life would be completely different without this debilitating compulsion.
  2. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

  3. CC1234

    CC1234 Fapstronaut

    welcome!! Are you starting a fresh streak today?