New Change

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by DeltaNova, May 17, 2015.

  1. DeltaNova

    DeltaNova Fapstronaut

    Hi there,

    A while ago a friend told me that he thought his sex-life was unsatisfying because of his porn and masturbating habits. I started looking into it and came to find that there might be a truth to this. During this research I stumbled upon this forum, and although I'm not really the diary/forum kinda person, I'd really like to give this a try, since I see a lot of myself in the problems masturbating can bring, and I could use all the help I can get.

    I myself would not describe myself as a very sexual person;
    It has been about 4 months since I last had sex, and that was only a blowjob from which I didn't come. Before that I had about a 10 month dry-spell. When I was 18 I chose to stop having sex for 1.5 year and when I was 22 for another year, though I have always been masturbating on a daily/every other daily basis, from which I now wish to "recover".

    I decided yesterday to become a fapstronaut, and although it had been 2 days since I last masturbated, all of a sudden everything I saw seemed to be turning me on a bit, I guess you want what you cant have.. Lets see this through and find out if the rebooting works for me.
  2. Hey,

    It's a bit belated.

    But welcome to NoFap. There are some great resources at:

    - L