New Fapstronaut

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by causti18, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. causti18

    causti18 New Fapstronaut


    My name is Cam. I have struggled with porn addiction for over 10 years. I started watching videos online in 2004 and have masturbated almost everyday since then with very small dry spells in between (some lasting at most two weeks before relapsing again). I believe that I do it as a coping mechanism to deal with the high stress in my life, which I have yet to address with positive methods.

    3 years ago, I began a serious relationship with a girl whom I hope hope to marry someday. However, our relationship has struggled, emotionally and physically, due to my porn viewing habits. She confronted me about it early on into our relationship, and I told her I would stop only to start less than a month later.

    2 days ago, she confronted me about my masturbation habits and I confessed to her that I have been watching porn regularly. This then triggered her to have an emotional breakdown. Since then, she has been considering taking a break from our relationship.

    I'm crushed. I have always been ashamed of my porn addiction, but I never truly considered for a moment how much my habits could hurt the people I love. I don't want this to cause an end to my beautiful relationship with my girlfriend, and I am tired of utilizing this method to cope with stress. I feel that all it does is bring more anxiety and frustration into my life, and I'm ready to turn a new leaf and hopefully become a Fapstronaut.

    Any support or advice is greatly welcomed. I appreciate you reading.

  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    Check out In Case You Didn't Know for strategies and tips which may help you along your journey.
  3. YouShallNotFap!14

    YouShallNotFap!14 Fapstronaut

    I have been in your shoes almost detail by detail. The best thing to do for you and your girlfriend is to always communicate . Literally tell her everything that goes on your mind. One small lie can again lead to another and another. Then sooner or later it'll blow your head off, and the person closest to you will have to face the shrapnel that was caused by your doing. If the truth hurts her and she cries and has a breakdown, you know what , would you rather have her be smiley and tell you " how proud she is of you for being honest, her doing good deeds for you thinking you're fully clean" OR own up to your mistakes and handle them in a nice way together because in a month from now you will see... you'll see more trust than you ever did in your three years of dating, ( it may not be a lot of trust , but way more pure than the last 3 years ) a year ago I lied to my girlfriend of 4 years ( actually I've been lying to her for 4 years but last year I told her I fully quit can you believe that and I said it was easy) and I want to marry her . And the whole year she was so happy buying me small gifts telling me how proud I am to give up P Cause it's not easy etc. Until just recently I caved in and told her I've been watching it and bought DVDs. This type of addiction needs more than one person it needs love to conquer it. Without love you'll give into it. I gave into it for 11 years and I didn't love myself and just recently I've been escaping P through love of family and my girlfriend. For now tell her anything she needs to know, that will show her you're willing to make this relationship work and only this relationship. Give up the relationship with P. That will slowly build trust. Remember this ; would you choose a screen over the touch of your woman for the rest of your life, and the woman you're touching will show you the love u deserve, the love that makes you happy. Or a screen where there are thousands of other men and women watching the same P as you. You're no one special to these stars your a statistic to them and they are happy about it. Right now your brain will not make sense of this because it's attached to P and you will doubt everything you think is right, but in the end once your free of this, you'll understand and see the picture. You need to love yourself to accept this it'll be hard but take it one day at a time you can do it !

    Stay strong and good luck!
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