New here and seeking help.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Dan13, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. Dan13

    Dan13 New Fapstronaut

    Hi. I'm a 38 year old guy from the UK. I've had a porn habit for many years (hard core porn and sex chats) and have been trying to quit in earnest for a year. I've definitely made progress. I've gone from porn use several times a week to once every two to three weeks. I feel like a better person all round. More confident and a lot more social. I've learnt a lot about myself this past year.

    I just recently tried to reboot for ninety days and failed at the thirty day mark. I'd gotten good at recognising if I was getting aroused by something and avoiding it (certain web comics, sexualised adgerts and the like). The problem I had is that I got horny one day chatting with an old girl friend. I held off for a couple of days but I stayed so horny and in the end used porn. Had I not been trying to reboot I probably would have tried wanking in the shower, to try and flush it out of me.

    Can anyone give me some advice, or point me to an appropriate post? It took me a while to learn how to avoid getting horny by accident, I don't want to have to go through this many more times before I learn how to stop being horny once I start feeling that way.

    Thanks everyone, and it feels good to be here.
  2. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Hi Dan.
    Welcome aboard. Firstly, congratulations on your 30 day achievement. That's good going. So you stumbled, and now you know a potential trigger for next time. Something like this is bound to happen again, so have a strategy to get through it.

    My personal advice, aim for 45 day (half as much again as 30, halfway to 90). You've done 30, you can do 45. Then set yourself another 45. There's your 90. I'm not on here much, (staying away keeps P away from "top-of-mind") so I can't commit to offering on-going support, but I wish you all the best. Good luck fella.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

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