New here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Spartan1_1_7, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Spartan1_1_7

    Spartan1_1_7 New Fapstronaut

    Hey, so, you can call me jay, for starters, im 22, multicultural, & kinda look like zero from holes, just with dreads. Clearly, im here to stop my vices. I was introduced to porn about 12 years ago. By a creepy classmate who didnt understand the concept of "no i dont wanna" anyway, since i was shown, i naturally became inclined toward it. Believe it or not, when i discovered what an erection felt like & what happened when it was stimulated, i thought i was the only one who knew (talk about innoncence huh?) well since then it was an on and off thing. Didnt really have resources to access porn so it wasnt often i saw it. Cue the iphone, that changed a lot. Now that i could get anything i wanted whenever, i went to town. Well, to cut it short i want to get out of town so to speak. Theres someone special in my life, we are good friends & i have a feeling its going to turn into something beautiful. This might be the one that goes all the way guys. And if im right, i dont want anything to ruin such a wonderful relationship. Including sexual ability. I want to quit everything & be more of myself again. Im tired of the loop, feeling bored or unable to sleep & hopping online to take care of it. I have a split mind thanks to my problem. I can look at my friend and admire them for who they are. Then i look at a girl and cant get over that she's braless. Its not fair to either. I want this to stop. I tried before on my own. Many times, with no one the wiser of my situation. The most id last is a few days, a week or less on rare occasions. But i feel trapped. & i want out. So im here now, seeing if this place is as good as i hear
  2. faithful

    faithful Fapstronaut

    Welcome jay!

    First off,I'm glad you're here. I wish I had started the journey to nofap at your age. I'm 40 now, started when I was 10... only in the last 2 years have a really worked on it. I hope you find encouragement and help on these pages. I'd encourage you to read through the posts, start a journal on here as a place to put your thoughts down, and also to encourage others. There is no magic wand or one thing you can do to live PMO free - it's a combination of things including accountability which you can find here.

    Secondly I want to encourage you to change for you. Not for someone else. You have to do it for you, to better yourself and to be the best/true you. Sure that comes with some perks, and your special friend will reap the benefits of a better you, but don't change for them. Change for you. You're the one person you're guaranteed to live with for the rest of your life.

    Good luck on your journey!Stay Spartan strong!
  3. MrTerrific

    MrTerrific New Fapstronaut

    Welcome Jay I'm new as well. I can totally relate where you are coming from and based on some of the posts I've read many others can as well. Hopefully we can help you walk the path to becoming the man you want to be. I think faithful makes a great point about wanting to change for yourself though. Like he said you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life. That's great advice that I need to remember as well. Hope to see you active in the forums Jay and good luck.