New Slave says "Hi."

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by New Slave, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. New Slave

    New Slave New Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hello, my name is Daniel and I'm suffering from porn addiction. Actually, I knew for a long time that watching porn is causing depression but I didn't really give a shit about it because, you know, my addiction pushed this knowledge aside. I learned about NoFap when a friend of mine told me about his former porn addiction and recomended me to register on this forum so that's basically why I'm here. I can't imagine how I can get through this because I'm fapping three times a day but I am also some sort of optimistic that my willpower will win.
    Glad to be here.

    PS: Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language.
  2. You have come to the right place. Abstaining from porn and fapping will help with your depression. Don't worry about your English. I understood you fine and another benefit of being here is that you will get better at Engish! Good luck!