
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by bswiggy, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. bswiggy

    bswiggy New Fapstronaut

    By the time I was 14 I was fully engaged in hardcore internet porn on a daily basis. I would spend hours upon hours masturbating to porn. I figured it was healthy to masturbate to porn since the liberal ways of todays society love to emphasize sexual freedom, and therefore they like to say that masturbation is natural and in healthy for you. Little did they talk about the potential negative effects of chronic masturbation to porn-- that would be a horrible regression back into the dark days of sexual repression by some kind of evil institution like the church.

    Anyway, throughout high school I did not have a gf, I wanted one very badly, but, the easy availability to hardcore porn became my substitute for learning to socialize, meet girls, go to parties..ect. Not to mention I was also addicted to world of warcraft. I didn't get out much, and instead spent my time on porn or gaming, my entire world evolved around a computer screen. I became much more comfortable sitting at my computer screen than walking around in the real world.

    Obviously at 14 I had many unlived fantasies, fantasies which I could almost invariably find successful replicated on the internet. I could play out on the screen virtually anything I could think of. I thought of a lot of things. I would masturbate to orgasm many times a day.
    eventually it wasn't just the addiction to the porn itself, but the addiction the the feeling of orgasm-- I would blow loads until there was nothing left to blow, the muscles would literally contract but nothing would come out. I am talking on the order of 30 or more times a day.

    at at 14, 15, 16, 17 I could keep this pace up, although I imagine it must have been taking a lot of energy away from me. Then at 18 it all came to a halt. I would stop getting hard to porn, and I was very confused an worried.

    I started to deviate from 'normal' porn genres, to things like bestiality, transsexuals, midgets, scenes mimicking rape, anything I could find that would give the scene an edge I hadn't seen before. And this would help with my erections.

    by the time I was 20, I somehow I developed enough social skills to meet some girls. It was painful to experience not getting hard in bed with them, after all the years of rock hard erections to porn wishing I had a real girl, finally I have a real girl, but my erections were gone. This seriously distressed and depressed me to a major low.

    Now I am in my mid 20's. I have had multiple girls some of which I used Cialis with in order to be able to have proper sex. That drug works to an extent, but at times it doesn't really help at all, however it did make more sex possible to me, along with its neck and headaches, and expensive costs...

    I have now been with my current gf for over a year. We've had sex both with and without Cialis.
    I have come to realize that constant masturbation to porn is a large factor in my ability to perform. But I have never taken quiting seriously until now.

    Its been a week today since I last viewed. I don't ever want to masturbate to porn again. I hope that posting and reading other peoples stories here will help me.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut
