No way out but smashing your smartphone?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by boyrose, May 3, 2022.

  1. boyrose

    boyrose Fapstronaut

    Has anyone else hit that point where they truly realize that the only way they can win is to smash their smartphone? And go back to a dinosaur phone with no internet, and also have no internet in their home period (I presume this will only work with single people). And only use internet at the public library.
    Fantareality and regular_man like this.
  2. Yes, many times. But always found a way back to them. In fact, I recently purchased a cheap laptop after destroying my previous one around two weeks ago. I also relapsed when I got the laptop and went on a binge cycle. Tomorrow I'm going to return the laptop back and use the money to pay off some debt.

    Point is, yes I've felt like destroying my gadgets in the past and literally followed up on those feelings. It feels good after breaking them but the question is... then what?

    You will have more time in your hands. What is your strategy? How will you use the time you have? .... These are questions worthy of answering.
    Fantareality and JiminyCricket like this.
  3. WarriorX1

    WarriorX1 Fapstronaut

    Porn blocker is a must, we can’t escape the reality that if we really wanted to we can access Internet porn, but we have to make it harder for ourselves, I installed it on both my phones and laptop. I’m almost at a week clean.
  4. Giuseppe

    Giuseppe Fapstronaut

    Yes, mostly that has been how I have been living for almost a year now. When it comes to smartphones, I'm pretty savvy at getting around all blockers and restrictions, so I got rid of my smartphone and purchased a Nokia 225. I have also purchased the Light Phone II and the Wisephone by Techless. So far, the Nokia has been the winner. The Wisephone would have been the winner, but they didn't think about allowing a device passcode lock, which is just dumb since you don't want people having access to your device.

    Anyway, since I'm pretty stupid when it comes to computers, I purchased a laptop and installed a software app called Detoxify from Family First. There is no way to uninstall it without the pin code, which if you have an android device you can create the pin or have it randomized by them. If you don't have an android, then you can just e-mail their support department and they will randomize the pin for you as well as add any sites you want blacklisted. If you want to get the code, it can take up 24 hours to retrieve from them via e-mail -first you have to e-mail them and tell them why you "need" the pin code, so it's not like they just send it to you, which is nice. Sure it's not foolproof but 24 hours is a nice cool off period. The service costs about $5 a month, which isn't bad, and they have created a Purity Browser extension for Chrome which can flag specific words, sites, and even allow you to browse without a picture also for a monthly fee. Again, not foolproof but I have found their service to be the best around so far.

    Now I had their app on my android device and it was by far the best one I've used. I think if you are not that tech savvy when it comes to smartphones then it might be a great option for you.

    So that's my life. For my cellphone I called my carrier and got an unlimited talk/text plan with no data. It costs about $20 month, which I'm sure if I switch to pre-paid I could get the cost lower.

    It's been difficult to live this way at first, but I've gotten used to it now.