Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by DE-Fapper, Jan 16, 2018.

  1. DE-Fapper

    DE-Fapper Fapstronaut

    Day 45, and I can say this – I am extremely happy with my progress. Some background on my story:

    Have been married for 5 years – trust me I have had ED issues for 3.5 years, YES in a relation with ED for 3.5 years. I don’t think we ever made love in these 3.5 years. Relocated to a new country and my family doc suggested Viagara and I was so disappointed with myself that even this did not work. I continued to get an erection while watching porn, but not an inch when it came to making love. How hard it can be for my partner, but she was super understanding.

    While browsing stuff I started reading a lot about nofap and its benefits and wanted to give it a shot. Did have a 30-day streak in June 2017, amazing feel but got back into the same vicious cycle. This is my second streak which started on 1st December. Results are amazing:

    - Strong erections, able to hold them for quiet long

    - Amazing confidence

    - Connection with women, is for real

    - Amazing performance at work

    - People have started to know me by name & couple of compliments that I look more radiant and positive

    - Great skin, thick beard

    - Motivation to work-out and eat healthy

    I have had instances where I could relapse – but stayed strong and it is worth it. Can’t thank this community enough and I will continue to share my progress.
  2. That thick beard is real thing? When you start noticing this first time?
  3. DE-Fapper

    DE-Fapper Fapstronaut

    It is indeed, I've grown beard in the past. This time I started growing from the same day I started NoFap and the growth for 45 days is much thicker than it has been in the past!!
  4. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    So have you tested your erections with your spouse?
  5. Evetheo

    Evetheo Fapstronaut

    Congratulations !!! keep up the good work, hope my erections will also improve, as well as my appetite for sex
  6. DE-Fapper

    DE-Fapper Fapstronaut

    Oh yes - that’s gotten really better now. I’ve not had any other partners all this time - and hard on’s are now amazing. It’s also a fact that ones you get a good erection the confidence levels add and make things even better
    Kunal Singh Chauhan and Joona K like this.
  7. DE-Fapper

    DE-Fapper Fapstronaut

    It will, no doubt. Just have patience and things you will get a lot of noise from below
  8. Don Corleone

    Don Corleone Fapstronaut

    Congrats man. The fight is worth it! Nothing can ever replace real love. I'm happy for you!
    DE-Fapper likes this.
  9. Tt1000

    Tt1000 Fapstronaut

    How did nofap actually help you in stopping your addiction?
  10. Destroyporn

    Destroyporn Fapstronaut

    This is great, you are getting superpowers
    DE-Fapper likes this.
  11. Inactive User

    Inactive User Fapstronaut

    That is AWESOME man!!! Keep it up!
    DE-Fapper, Vulkan and Joona K like this.
  12. Reckless Intellect

    Reckless Intellect Fapstronaut

    Those benefits sound amazing. Definitely worth abstaining from PMO for. Very inspiring!
    DE-Fapper likes this.
  13. DE-Fapper

    DE-Fapper Fapstronaut

    I think NoFap for me was all about getting rid of the addiction - and there was no way other than just stop browsing for porn. Whenever I got an urge - I typed for benefits of pmo or watched the the video your brain on porn over and over again. Just let’s you be more determined to go on...!

    It’s day 51 and I do feel it’s quiet a journey and can’t way to get going
  14. DE.HK

    DE.HK Fapstronaut

    Man, I am so happy for you. 52 days is a good record, mine was 25. I think one thing that we need to keep in our mind is to stay positive. In my situation, I relapsed a couple of times because of a negative emotion. I felt terrible at that moment and I then resorted to PMO. That's not healthy because it just makes things worst and I will continue to do the same shit. Anyway, I am happy that one of the brothers here is achieving 52 days. Keep up the good work!
    Kunal Singh Chauhan likes this.
  15. DE-Fapper

    DE-Fapper Fapstronaut

    Thanks Man, and I second you on being positive. I have had days - specially through flatlining, that I was about to give up. But I think my motivation to get back on track to save my relation with my spouse is surely something that is helping me through this. One step at a time, I am waiting to be completely rebooted. And any thought of porn & I look at videos and articles on the negative impacts. Adds some fuel to keep going.

    All the best and it is rightly said 'patience is virtue'
    DE.HK likes this.
  16. DE-Fapper

    DE-Fapper Fapstronaut

  17. Present Kid

    Present Kid Fapstronaut

    Agree. I finally have Goat T bc of NoFap
    DE-Fapper likes this.