NoFap/NoPMO/Retention and the Sacraments

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. PilgrimJason

    PilgrimJason Fapstronaut

    Hello folks,

    It just dawned on me the power of the Sacred Secretion (YouTube it if you need more info about it) and how biblical it is

    One of the theory about NoFap is the DNA theory where our semen’s main purpose is for reproduction and pro-creation and that if I PMO, have uncontrolled sex, etc that the body would think that it’s job in life is done, you have passed on your life force and you can relax now. Obviously this can have implications with mood and emotional thinking.

    Now, I want to use the same theory with receiving the Sacraments especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation. I find that when I am in communion or absolved again my body would think that my work here on Earth is done. I need to somehow think that it’s not yet done but I really wanted to use these Sacraments as a vehicle to overcome this addiction. Now I’m in a state of dissonance about this. Should I continue going to daily Mass and receiving Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly or just keep it on Sunday and Confession for once a week?

    Any thoughts on this?

    Thank you and God bless,
    MaleAlone likes this.
  2. BlankCheck1

    BlankCheck1 Fapstronaut

    The Sacraments confer grace, which is a good thing. Grace does not replace nature, it builds upon it. As addicts, we have messed up our nature, especially our brain chemistry.

    For me, some of the times I've had the strongest urges/cravings is immediately after receiving a sacrament. While your idea is interesting, for me it was shame. Deep down, I didn't think I was worthy of God's love. Intellectually, I knew I was worthy, but I didn't feel it and I didn't live it. When I addressed the shame (or let God address it), I started experiencing less urges/cravings after receiving sacraments.

    Lastly, some of the material on Sacred Secretion borders heavily with gnostic and new age ideas. I'd advise you to be extremely careful with it.
    Vince T and Nuhope like this.
  3. PilgrimJason

    PilgrimJason Fapstronaut

    Thank you BlankCheck1,

    I guess we’re all on different journeys. I guess I’m new to NoFap and I am finding evidence and literature to convince myself that NoFap works. Thanks for the warning about Sacred Secretion as being New Age and Gnostic. I did wonder about that too but thanks.

    With regards to the Sacraments, I can identify myself with you. How did you address the shame with regards to this? I have read about Shame resilience by Brené Brown but I’m sure our Catholic Faith can offer more. Would love to know your take on this.

    Thank you.

  4. The job is done if we are in heaven. We are made for eternity with God, the sacrements are divine resources here in this earth-life, only a little spark what beeing with God forever means really. So here on earth, we have to fight to get saved by fighting for God and helping each other to meet Him. Therefore, the job does not refer only to oneself, but to everyone including oneself.

    Sometime me too, but it stops when I knew why: After receiving a sacrement I startet to be less careful, thinking I am alright. But that was wrong, I was (and am) still addicted, body and mind are still messed up, so we have to continue our fight to rebuild our nature.
    BlankCheck1 likes this.
  5. BlankCheck1

    BlankCheck1 Fapstronaut

    As far as secular sources go, I'm also a fan of Brene Brown's work. I can only speak to my own experience, but I had to reach out to some solid, Catholic friends. They became my supports and my accountability partners. After a few weeks of realizing that they weren't treating me any differently than before they learned of my addiction, shame started to melt. Not only was I seen as worthy by other men despite my sins, I realized how much more God must treat me the same. It started to restore a sort of internal goodness inside of me on an emotional level. I'm not perfect, but it has helped.
  6. Tempus Fugit

    Tempus Fugit Fapstronaut

    I have found regular confession and even daily Communion to be an excellent support to my spiritual life. However, confession and Communion are gifts given to help us on our spiritual journey, and not the end of our journey.

    When you are absolved and fed by the Eucharist, consider this to be the beginning of a renewed life in Christ, and not the end.
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