NoFap Zoom Meetings?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by overcomingthis, Dec 23, 2020.

  1. overcomingthis

    overcomingthis Fapstronaut

    I posted previously about disliking the 12 step meetings. Are there any structured meetings through NoFap?

    I think it would be helpful to meet with other 18-35 year-old guys who all struggle with the same issue.
  2. HE^MAN

    HE^MAN Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Nofap meetings are available.
    If you want to join one check in homepage - join support group.
  3. Saythatagain

    Saythatagain Fapstronaut

    I have found a lot of awesome resources at go to events and you can see it by day, month or list. The shame one on Friday is awesome. I think it’sa mix of what people need. I’m in SA 12 step and it’s good as a starter and framework but you get no connection. The website has allowed me to meet several guys that are just like myself and it’s awesome.
    Recovering_Addict likes this.
  4. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure that I would want to go to a Zoom meeting for porn addicts. It is not something I would feel comfortable talking about publicly. What happens when I bring up the Zoom room and I find someone who I know and who recognizes me. My porn addiction is not something I share publicly. That is why I prefer the nofap forums. I can stay anonymous and still get support. It was hard enough for me to tell my partner. Is there a way to be a part of a Zoom room anonymously?
    Recovering_Addict likes this.
  5. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    At the core we are sex addict so you should try to go for a sex addict meeting.
    Recovering_Addict likes this.
  6. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I won't attend any meetings in person but if there is a Zoom meeting then I'll check one out. I'll check out to see what Zoom meetings they have.
  7. Recovering_Addict

    Recovering_Addict Fapstronaut

    I understand your point about not sharing your porn addiction publicly. Especially when you have a job to keep - one acquaintance knowing can go far enough to let your manager know... It also just feels very demeaning, at least for me, to share it with those I do not truly trust and have a connection with.

    But if you're worried about finding an acquaintance finding you on an addict meeting, then maybe you should also bear in mind that they might have the exact same fear as you. Meaning if you are worried about them knowing your addict, then you also know that they are an addict so in that sense you are on the same "level" as them. What I'm trying to get at i that is that the worry of an acquaintance finding out about your addiction is not only unlikely to begin with, but also not that much of a worry in itself.

    And in terms of the not sharing part. Again, I completely understand that. And I would say that as long as you yourself have accepted the addiction and aren't trying to push it to the side, and have at least one person to share your struggles with, then it's okay. Forums are a good place, but I personally think that personal connection with people can be better for accountability - so actually putting a face to a name. Because I think unless you have actually seen the person and talked to them (virtually or IRL), it's really easy to avoid real accountability.

    Just my two cents.
  8. Recovering_Addict

    Recovering_Addict Fapstronaut

    I have actually been thinking about NoFap Zoom meetings for sometime as well, so thanks for sharing the link!
    I think something else that could potentially be very helpful for NoFap would be an "Emergency NoFap Zoom Room":

    So basically a 24/7 Zoom room that people can join when they are having strong urges and talk to people their. The idea is that by actually talking about your urges to actual people, it will help deal with the urges more significantly than perhaps just talking about them on a forum.

    (The actual Zoom room can be maintained by having a good number of people in the room and allowing one to host the meeting when the other one goes AFK since Zoom rooms have a 24hr limit. Would probably need people from a couple different timezones to maintain it.)
  9. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    If you dont wanna risk being caught by someone who knows you disable camera everytime before you enter a meeting that way you can talk by audio alone and be safe.
    Recovering_Addict likes this.