Not even for a few days...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Notagain, May 30, 2014.

  1. Notagain

    Notagain Fapstronaut

    Great, not even for a few days can I go without PMO! In my moment of weakness, I broke a tread of four days of abstaining from porn, I can't seem to go without it even for a week!

    I'm stuck guys, I need advice. I tried blocking any possible avenue on the internet for convenient porn, yet I seem to find a way around it. Hell, the fact that I'm looking for a way around it is what's causing all my issues! Internet filtering hasn't helped, and neither have meditation, prayer, or even just cold showers. I'm not just addicted to porn, I'm enslaved by it.
  2. kaizensun

    kaizensun Fapstronaut

    Its about MAKING yourself not want to watch it, instead of feeling like, "OK I blocked it all but I really wanna watch it so ill waste my time trying to cheat the system"
    Make yourself think about why your doing NoFap, try to come up with a negative attached to Porn (Which already has many negatives anyway) like "If I look at this my computer will get a virus"(although many sites do come with viruses).
    Create a hatred for Porn and make yourself cringe in disgust at the idea of it.

    Take pride in realizing that you have the strength to control it rather than having Pixels on a screen control you.
  3. willpower_ranger

    willpower_ranger Fapstronaut

    keep strong dude. I'm a 28 year old porn addict.
    This is my first real attempt to give it all up. I've set myself a 30 day PMO, lots of cold showers i guess (though i live in Thailand so thats par for the course), reading, weights, diary writing and guitar...all the good parts of life.
    Have you thought about removing the computer from your life (if you can?)...i have a laptop, so i may well leave it at work from now on, simply to remove the temptation and more importantly, the opportunity and access to porn. Could this work for you?
    Chin up bro, stay strong (find a piece of music that helps you focus)...

    Best of luck amigo!
  4. Scaramanga

    Scaramanga Fapstronaut

    In my view, internet filters only works for people that dont need them. To be able to quit this you have to make the choice of quitting and be 100% responsible for your actions, otherwise you will just have something to blame "I forgot to block a site", "I hadnt installed the blocker on my other browser" etc.
    You have to figure out why you want to go through with this and chose not to look at porn ever again.