Not sure what to expect.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TurretRepairTeam, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. TurretRepairTeam

    TurretRepairTeam Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm 16 and I live in New Zealand. I never thought I watched porn regularly but one day it just hit me that it had become a regular thing. I want to stop watching and fapping and just get my life back on track. I used to be enthusiastic and happy with life but several years ago it just started to go downhill and I was regularly upset and started to become quite awkward around people. I'm not sure what to expect from this but I'm going to try.
  2. azim

    azim Fapstronaut

    Never give up and have faith in yourself. I read a book which is so encouraging: The Most Personal Addiction by Joe Zycik. You can try to read it. The main ingredient to stop sexual addiction is HONESTY!

    You may be shy to be honest to your family or friends, but you can be honest to your fellow fapstronaut! Therefore I suggest you and anyone who interested to join my whatsapp accountability group. You can read in my signiture below for more info about it. cheers :)