Officially fapstronaut

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Roronoa, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. Roronoa

    Roronoa Fapstronaut

    Hello guys, I just registered to noFap community so I thought I would introduce myself. I've been struggling with porn for 5 years now, and it's extremely hard to deal with it in your daily life (I think everyone here share the same feeling). I tried to quit before on my own but I just couldn't. Now the only available option for me as a student is to join you guys, hoping to be in a community that understands the challenges and the difficulties I'm facing right now. Tmw will be the first day of no PMO challenge.
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap! You are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.
    Tiny antelope likes this.
  3. Tiny antelope

    Tiny antelope Fapstronaut

    Welcome! It's great to have you here.
    D . J . likes this.
  4. Daniel;

    Daniel; Guest

    Welcome to the community!

    If you ever need any tips we're here to help you.
    Wish you good luck for your new journey.

    Stay committed!:)
    Tiny antelope and D . J . like this.
  5. Roronoa

    Roronoa Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support.
    D . J . and Tiny antelope like this.