P is actually the stupidest thing

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Rohanrecovery, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. Rohanrecovery

    Rohanrecovery Fapstronaut

    Imagine telling some man this who was living 200 years ago.

    P is a thing where you watch other people have sex, and put your own sexual energies into this

    You therefore take it away from real life, making you totally ineffective in the real world.

    It's the equivalent of watching someone else work or at their job, and pretending in your mind- deluding yourself- that you are working- completely ignoring the fact that you're doing nothing for yourself in this area.

    How truly pathetic.
  2. It's up there with watching youtube vids of other people playing video games. Just....go play them yourself?
    Champ39 and Mr. Fox like this.
  3. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    so true
  4. SweetTransformation

    SweetTransformation Fapstronaut

    I completely agree with you. It's not like what I eat is going into your stomach or as if you can feel the same sensations. Likewise it's not like the porn stars know they are being watched by you. It doesn't make sense to orgasm watching other people do something so intimate when you can have sex yourself.
    It's in humane - I was talking to my friend about a book based on a structured society were people were monitored to the extent of having sex. We said how uncomfortable it must be even if you are hot because sex is such a vulnerable activity...
    Pornography is definitely an easy trap to get into though. It's very deceptive - a vicious cycle but we will win!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Ms123

    Ms123 Fapstronaut


    I agree and disagree with this.My eight year old nephew does this,lol.It keeps him quiet and it also gives him a chance to see games that he doesn't have and can tell him mom about them and talk her into buying them.As far as grown people doing this,that would be stupid,lol.
  6. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    It's good for people who don't have fully functioning hands I suppose.
    beaverreaver likes this.
  7. beaverreaver

    beaverreaver Fapstronaut

    We live in world of spectators. Watching instead of doing does free you from anxiety of performing, facing emotions and obstacles. It ables you to participate in something on high level without any effort.

    See how this fits in nofap. Most of us here have limited experience involving opposite sex. Fear of rejection. Hours and hours it takes to get to know someone. Year after year creating your own life so you could invite interesting people over, to enjoy your company. Always starting over with a new girlfriend, to get to know her likes or dislikes. It's not an easy game and this is why success pays you well.

    Wouldn't it just be nice to get that pleasure by yourself
    sitting at your computer? It kinda is, altought it's false pleasure. Just like watching sports instead of playing sports.
    Star Lord likes this.
  8. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Personally I think whatever people do with their time, is totally theirs to use.
    We shouldn't live life judging how people live theirs.
    Who's to decide what a waste of time is or isn't.

    The biggest true waste of time in life is sleep.
    Yet we all have to do it.
  9. SweetTransformation

    SweetTransformation Fapstronaut

    Yes, people are free to do as they please but some things are futile.

    Of course I understand that spectating is a form of learning but the best learning is practice. Watching a sportsman running will not give you the health benefits and technique that they is gaining in practice.

    Like I said though, we all get tempted there's definitely no judgements hence why we're here.
  10. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    I kind of disagree. Erotica and Voyeurism are hardly a recent invention. Even someone 200 years ago, might recognize the concept of going to a pub to watch girl dance, a burlesque show, or some crude drawing in a book. Even Romans had ancient fertility plays, where they would watch others in intercourse. Not to tread on the bible, but it sure has some racy stuff in places.

    Did our ancestors have as much time to do that as us...no. Did they have such availability in such graphic detail...no. But I'm pretty sure that the idea of spending to much time thinking about sex or lusting after someone not in your life is something they could connect to.

    It would blow their mind what we could do with a smart phone though....
    Star Lord likes this.
  11. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Yeah, even art was porn in the old days.
    Like naked women under a tree type paintings.
    There's always been porn really. Just in different forms.
    PostiveChange1974 likes this.
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I think you have missed the point. Watching people having sex is entertaining. Just look at what we do for entertainment:

    SPORT: People have favourite sports stars and they are obsessive about them. They follow every new piece of footage. One example of this is football (soccer). Perhaps it could be argued that some are 'addicted' to watching their team play!

    MUSIC: The devotion heaped upon pop idols is extraordinary. The state that some fans get into, borders on a euphoria that is virtually orgasmic! Their lives pivot on the schedule of their favourite stars or the genre of music they prefer! :rolleyes:

    PORN: Some are fixated on a specific porn star, some are in thrall to a genre that turns them on. Much of it is fantasy, not something they hope to or would want to live out for real but they are happy to watch, as we watch movie stars.

    Sexual desires are the most powerful things in us. I don't find it surprising that we seek entertainment that feeds them.
    Star Lord likes this.
  13. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    The Truth .