Pixelated Funeral of Addiction, Burial invitation

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by DireWolf, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    Welcome, i thought this could be usefull in a symbolic manner for some of us, we have accepted our problem and addiction, and we have commited to improve ourselves in all aspects of our lives, so now its time to put to the ground the external cause of this (the internal is the one we have to face on our own).

    So with that intruduction i welcome you to the funeral rite of all this filth, pixaleted entertainment, brainwashing, false expectations, and all the lies that go with it, its over for them, they are buried and dead.

    Please air your grievence and share final words because in this forgotten graveyard there will be the last trace of this filth the world has ever known, we have surpassed it.

    Calm likes this.
  2. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

    My grievance is best aired with this video of Earth Store bodhisattva (Di Zhang Wang Pusa in pinyin), thanks for allowing me to share,
