
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by planters1987, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. planters1987

    planters1987 Fapstronaut

    My names patrick. i have two children and a wife. i am catholic. my faith is very important to me. i love to lift and drink beer. i want to quit pmo because of my faith, but also because i have become a slave to pmo. fuck that shit! im over it. also i don't porn induced ED. i also don't want to be a hypocrite in my kids eyes. also my sweet wife would be devestated.
  2. Full ahead

    Full ahead Fapstronaut

    Hello!. Welcome here. Congrats, man. You have taken the first good steps to fight this addiction: 1.- To accept you are slave of it,
    2.- The determination to fight, and the reasons to do it. (family is a strong motivation. I personally found myself looking at me at the mirror and realized that guy is not the man I want to be, so I started as a no-fapstronaut after a painful fall that lasted for years.)

    have a great day
    planters1987 likes this.
  3. planters1987

    planters1987 Fapstronaut

    thanks for the encouragement, you too.
  4. Having acknowledged your weakness... seek strength from God.
  5. planters1987

    planters1987 Fapstronaut

    admittedly I do a terrible job of that in the moment of weakness
  6. The moment of weakness does not come upon you unawares. As soon as you begin to feel down, depressed, tired, blah... emotionally unresponsive, empty, or any other negative emotion. STOP...

    It is time to Pray. Or read the Bible.

    Essentially this addiction/sin thrives on one fuel. Disconnection with God through Christ and disconnection with our fellow man. As soon as those two things are restored and kept at a healthy state you will be delivered of this demon.

    God bless you brother.
    Kris456 likes this.