PMO is built for escape

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. I always wonder why so many people love to do pmo. Its not porn alone its mo also which play it's respective part in making a man addictive. So i finally find out the reason.

    We do pmo because we have a problem and we can't accept it.

    So the solution is finding out that problem and facing it.

    And finally, finding a solution for it.

    But before that you must keep this in mind, yes you can fight alone, but with help of god you are a superhero . So try to fight along with your supremefather.
  2. In my opinion different people do same thing for different reasons.
    Anyway, it is true that PMO gives you pleasure without having to work hard for it. It enslaves you with the promise of easy to get pleasure and is a deal with the devil in the long run.
    I have joined this forum to get rid of my evil addiction. It's been having a negative effect on my life for over 15+ years, and I am sick of myself. :-(
    savage_redemption likes this.
  3. You will definitely win my friend, keep working harder...always improve yourselfs everyday and never stop the journey.