PMO life is for losers

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Onehope, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    How often did we confine in our rooms in front of a screen with images of men or women who couldn't reject us?

    How often did we contemplate on buying a sex toy so our M experiences can be closer to the reality of sex?

    How often did we pay for sex or for a video or pictures?

    I think the reason most of us got away from all that, is because were tired of being losers.

    We want people to notice us and accept us, and find partners to have real connections, real relationships.

    Why or how could we possibly settle for less?

    This is the reason you will always come back to nofap, because you know theres no turning back. PMO will never again make you happy, especially after understanding the harm it does to you, and how living that life makes you a loser.

    Never go back, never be a loser again. Win!
  2. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    You're right brother.
    MUSTAFA2022 likes this.
  3. enhanced77

    enhanced77 New Fapstronaut

    Pmo=pathetic losers

  4. Unfortunately this is not how it works, these are the words you speak when mood is low, after few days when you have much better mood, things will appear allot less defined.

    If we were rational beings we would only do rational things, but we humans are incredibly irrational. So irrational that we actually do not trust 99% of people we counter because we know they are just as irrational.
    So rational layout like one you posted is unfortunately more philosophy than guidance.

    People with addiction often do what I call mind games, these can be philosophical, or rationalization games, or I will not do x for x days and punishment will be x.
    All of those are games, they have minimal value and action in this moment is what matters.

    You think rationally and decide what need to be done and then real test is, can you stand behind your decision moment by moment and do the work?
    Most people cant get themselves to do 100 pushups in a day or take cold shower, how can they stop addictive behavior? But they do rationalize benefits of working out with philosophical depth
  5. LaFlame92100

    LaFlame92100 Fapstronaut

    Yes u are right, the sad thing is most ppl only realize when they are already heavily addicted, shools should teach about pmo addiction, or just shut down every free porn, but that would be very hard
    MUSTAFA2022 likes this.
  6. xxmemel0verxx

    xxmemel0verxx Fapstronaut

    Good thing we have NoFap.
    enhanced77 likes this.
  7. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

  8. The list of things to lose because of a pmo addiction is actually quite extensive.

    How about we all add something to the list and thus prove pmo is for losers.

    If I may, I'll start off with number 1...

    Things to lose because of pmo addiction

    1. (loss of) grey matter in the brain
  9. FastNCurious

    FastNCurious Fapstronaut

    yes there is no future in this